125 St Davids Crescent Major Adaptation Single Storey Extension (Ausschreibung №96614953de)

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Land: Anguilla
Sprache: AI
Nummer: 96614953
Veröffentlichungsdatum: 20-12-2023


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[HMAB 2023/1485 ] Transport och omhändertagande av avvattnat avloppsslam Quelle: kommers

Javni poziv za izbiro kandidatov za predstavnika ustanovitelja v svetih javnih vzgojno-izobraževalnih zavodov Quelle: Služba Vlade Republike Slovenije za razvoj in evropsko kohezijsko politiko

The U.S. Embassy in Pretoria invites interested and qualified service providers to submit their company profile, for the supply of Air-conditioning units and supplies. Scope: M13ajh: LG “M” Range Inverter Midwall x 3; M19akh: LG “M” Range Inverter Midwall x 1; M11ajh: LG “M” 9000 Btu Inverter Midwall x 2; 450 Bracket Sets x 7; 1/4" (6.35 X 0.91) Soft Drawn R410a x 6; 3/8" (9.53 X 0.91) Soft Drawn R410a x 5; 1/2" (12.7 X 0.91) Soft Drawn R410a x 1; 1/4" X 1/4" Wall Armourflex – 1.8m x 18; 3/8" X 1/4" Wall Armourflex – 1.8m x 15; 1/2: X 1/4" Wall Armourflex x 3; 1,5 X 5 Core Cabtyre Black – Meter x 100. Please confirm the closing date as two closing dates were published. Please confirm the closing time as it was not published. Quelle: ONLINE TENDERS

Quotations are hereby invited for the following: Remuneration benefits structuring. Specifications: The purpose of this Quote is for the appointment of a service provider to supply the following services: 1. Conduct job analysis and job evaluation of new positions in the organisational structure using Paterson grading system, 2. Conduct salary and benefits benchmarking process. 3. Advise on remuneration strategy and remuneration package structuring. Scope of work and deliverables: Responsibilities of the Service Provider 1. Conduct job analysis and job evaluation of new positions in the organisational structure - using Paterson job grading system, 2. Compare AIDC-EC job descriptions with external job description to ensure alignment and fairness when evaluating salaries and benefits between AIDC-EC and other state-owned entities and the market, 3. To be able to initiate a salary survey that will benchmark AIDC-EC against other similar state-owned entities (at least a minimum of 3 entities), 4. Benchmarking of remuneration and incentives practices such as benefits and rewards (cash and non-cash) to the market and other relevant organisations, 5. Provide salary and benefits reports that includes pay across different percentiles and highlight the common experience, skills, and education in the market to be paid at those percentiles, 6. Provide detailed remuneration data for all occupational levels, 7. Provide assistance in designing of remuneration strategy and practices of AIDCEC, 8. Advise AIDC-EC on the best practices and related trends on salaries and benefits offerings. Quelle: ONLINE TENDERS

Procurement of 0768-2340CSIMC064/04 Dingyuan Medical Aesthetics Project Equipment Procurement Project(2) Quelle: www.chinabidding.com

Procurement of 0768-2340CSIMC064/03 Dingyuan Medical Aesthetics Project Equipment Procurement Project(2) Quelle: www.chinabidding.com