Tender supply installation testing commissioning of fire alarm system (Ausschreibung №97534821de)

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Land: Bahrain
Sprache: EN
Nummer: 97534821
Veröffentlichungsdatum: 09-01-2024


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[KFKS 2023-556 ] Restaurangverksamhet i Nacka stadshus 2023 Quelle: kommers

Long Term Purchase Agreement for the Supply of Cisco Switches, Access points, IP Phones and Network equipment Quelle: Tender Board - Kingdom of Bahrain

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Provide System Developers to the Ministry of Labor Quelle: Tender Board - Kingdom of Bahrain

Information is hereby requested for the following: Global travel management services. The purpose of the RFI is to gain a more detailed understanding of the supply market to identify and to gain knowledge about Travel Management Companies (TMCs) who are interested in managing WFP’s global travel programme. Quelle: ONLINE TENDERS

Proposals are hereby invited for the following: Establishment of Long-Term Agreement (LTA) with suppliers of Ultra Portable Digital X-Ray Kit (system with safety accessories), and Computer-Aided Detection using Artificial Intelligence (CAD/AI) software for Tuberculosis (TB) detection: - Lot 1. Ultra-Portable digital X-Ray Kit (system with safety accessories) x 6. - Lot 2. Computer-Aided Detection using Artificial Intelligence (CAD/AI) software x 6. Countries: 1. Afghanistan. 2. Albania. 3. Angola. 4. Argentina. 5. Armenia. 6. Azerbaijan. 7. Bangladesh. 8. Belarus. 9. Belgium. 10. Benin. 11. Bhutan. 12. Bolivia. 13. Botswana. 14. Bulgaria. 15. Burkina Faso. 16. Burundi. 17. Cambodia. 18. Cameroon. 19. Cape Verde. 20. Central African Republic. 21. Chad. 22. Chile. 23. Comoros. 24. Congo. 25. Cote d"Ivoire. 26. Cuba. 27. Democratic People"s Republic of Korea. 28. Democratic Republic of the Congo. 29. Democratic Republic of Timor-Leste. 30. Djibouti. 31. Dominican Republic. 32. Ecuador. 33. Egypt. 34. El Salvador. 35. Equatorial Guinea. 36. Eritrea. 37. Eswatini. 38. Ethiopia. 39. Fiji. 40. Gabon. 41. Gambia. 42. Georgia. 43. Germany. 44. Ghana. 45. Guatemala. 46. Guinea. 47. Guinea-Bissau. 48. Guyana. 49. Haiti. 50. Honduras. 51. Hungary. 52. India. 53. Indonesia. 54. Iraq. 55. Japan. 56. Jordan. 57. Kazakhstan. 58. Kenya. 59. Kyrgyzstan. 60. Lao People"s Democratic Republic. 61. Lebanon. 62. Lesotho. 63. Liberia. 64. Libyan Arab Jamahiriya. 65. Madagascar. 66. Malawi. 67. Maldives. 68. Mali. 69. Marshall Islands. 70. Mauritania. 71. Mauritius. 72. Mexico. 73. Micronesia (Federated States). 74. Mongolia. 75. Morocco. 76. Mozambique. 77. Myanmar. 78. Namibia. 79. Nepal. 80. Nicaragua. 81. Niger. 82. Nigeria. 83. Pakistan. 84. Papua New Guinea. 85. Paraguay. 86. Peru. 87. Philippines. 88. Republic of Moldova. 89. Romania. 90. Rwanda. 91. Sao Tome and Principe. 92. Senegal. 93. Seychelles. 94. Sierra Leone. 95. Slovakia. 96. Solomon Islands. 97. Somalia. 98. South Africa. 99. Sri Lanka. 100. Sudan. 101. Syrian Arab Republic. 102. Tajikistan. 103. Thailand. 104. Togo. 105. Trinidad and Tobago. 106. Uganda. 107. Ukraine. 108. United Arab Emirates. 109. United Republic of Tanzania. 110. Uzbekistan. 111. Venezuela. 112. Viet Nam. 113. Yemen. 114. Zambia. 115. Zimbabwe. Please confirm the contract number. Please confirm the closing date and time. Quelle: ONLINE TENDERS