Wholesale Research chemical Mexico cas 79-03-8 Propanoyl chloride for Organic chemicals (Ausschreibung №107988063de)

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Land: Canada
Sprache: UK
Nummer: 107988063
Veröffentlichungsdatum: 24-07-2024


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Bids are hereby invited from suppliers for the following: Appointment of consultants to augment existing capacity on a co-sourced basis: Review the City of Tshwane’s annual financial statements. Specifications: 1. Annual Financial Statements Review – 2023/24: The audit will focus on the following: (i) Review of adequacy of internal controls to ensure accuracy and completeness of financial statement preparation process (This includes accuracy and validity of journals), (ii) Compliance with standards of Generally Recognized Accounting Practices (GRAP), (iii) Review alignment of notes to financial statement, accounting policy and disclosure, (iv) Review the completeness and accuracy of accruals process, (v) Follow up on previous AGSA findings (2022-23 financial year), (v) Property, plant and equipment and compliance with GRAP 17, (vi) Segment reporting, (vii) Disclosure of commitments, contingent liability and UIFW note agreeing to supporting schedules, 2. CoT – Asset Methodology 2024/25: (i) To ensure that the New Asset methodology (Position paper) is aligned to GRAP 17, 3. CoT – Impairment policy- 2024/25: (i) Compliance with GRAP 104 relating to impairment calculations. Quelle: ONLINE TENDERS

Quotations are hereby invited for the following: Chemicals: • 1 each x Sodium Chloride Anhydrous, • 10 each x Geosmin and 2-Methylisoborneol CRM, • 10 each x ISO17943 Odor Compound Mix, • 4 each x EPA VOC Mix 1, • 4 each x EPA VOC Mix 2, • 4 each x EPA VOC Mix 3, • 4 each x EPA VOC Mix 6, • 4 each x EPA 601 Purgeable Halocarbons Mix CRM, • 6 each x EPA 501/601 THM Calibration Mix, • 6 each x EPA 501/601 THM Calibration Mix (200), • 8 each x EPA 501/601 THM Calibration Mix (100), • 4 each x Iodomethane CRM, • 3 each x Chloroform-D. Delivery Date: 2024/09/12. Delivery To: Cody Williams Scientific Services. Delivery Address: 02 Off Jan Smuts Drive, Athlone. Quelle: ONLINE TENDERS

Quotations are hereby invited for the following: Clothing, PPE & Accessories: Clothing Items: Boots: • 50 pair x Boots; male; steel toe cap; black; 8; electrical, • 50 pair x Boots; male; steel toe cap; black; 6; electrical. Delivery Date: 2024/08/20. Delivery To: Logistics - Ndabeni Store Clothing. Delivery Address: 25 Oude Molen Road, Ndabeni. Quelle: ONLINE TENDERS

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