北京铁路公安局视频会议系统MCU设备更新采购项目中标公告 (Ausschreibung №115534528de)

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Land: China
Sprache: CN
Nummer: 115534528
Veröffentlichungsdatum: 06-12-2024


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Voller Zugriff
Quotations are hereby invited for the hire of scaffolding on an as and when required basis for the period of six months at the Port of Durban: at Maydon Wharf and Agriport terminals as per specifications. Scope: The work shall consist of providing all labour, scaffolding and equipment required for the safe execution of erecting scaffolding on site: Erection and Dismantling: • Erect scaffolding within the grain elevator; • Scaffolding is to be erected to a minimum height of ± 8m; • Stairway on each level of scaffolding; • Railings to be fitted on all levels and stairways; • Kick plate required on all platforms; • Scaffolding and fittings to be coated/painted. No exceptions; • Period required: Seventy days as and when required for each hire; • Scaffolding to be dismantled and removed or rather moved to other areas within the elevator, when required; • The contractor is to erect, inspect and approve the scaffolding before handing over to client for use, to be done by a qualified and competent personnel; • The scaffolding must accommodate a maximum of 4 people with hand tools; • Minimum weight to be accommodated: 500kg. Quelle: ONLINE TENDERS

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