黑水县司法局黑水县“法治账图”电子版编纂咨询服务采购项目更正公告(第二次) (Ausschreibung №93417553de)

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Land: China
Sprache: CN
Nummer: 93417553
Veröffentlichungsdatum: 31-10-2023


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Voller Zugriff
Quotations are hereby invited for the following: Supply and delivery of chain saws. Scope: 1. Durable Chain Saws with: • Side Mounted Chain Tensioning for Safety and easy Tensioning, Tool free Fuel caps for simple and safe refuelling; • Displacement Cubic cm: 72.2; • Performance Kw: 3.9; • Weight kg 1, 6.2; • Power to weight ratio kg/kW: 1.6; - Qty: 02. Chain Saws to be delivered to Dzanani Regional Office. Quelle: ONLINE TENDERS

Quotations are hereby invited for the following: Supply and delivery of tar cutter. Scope: - Max Cutting Depth (mm): 80; - Water Tank Capacity: 12L; - Power (hp): 5.5; - Blade Size (mm): 300-500; - Weight (kg): 64/128; - Qty: 01. The Tar Cutter to be delivered to Dzanani Regional Office. Quelle: ONLINE TENDERS

Quotations are hereby invited for the following: Supply and delivery of generator for Thendo Star Farming Cooperative. Scope: - Genset 6.0KVA Diesel – Trolley; - Qty: 01. Generator to be delivered to Khunda. Quelle: ONLINE TENDERS

Quotations are hereby invited for the following: Service & Maintenance of SS Fire Alarm System. Scope of work: - Service and pre-service check, - Analogue values check, - Zoning check, - Output configuration, - Isolated devices check - Check if the Isolate-fire or Isolate-security LED’s on the front of the panel is illuminated, - Test the alarms - Test all detectors linked to the fire panel, - Time and date set - Set the correct time and date on the panel, if necessary, - Sounder test, - Power supply test, - Fault test, - Panel controls test - Check that all control functions, the accept, reset and EVAC keys, are operating correctly and are correctly enabled and disabled by the controls off key-switch, - Monitor earth leakage, - Connection checks, - Battery replacement checks, - Battery operation check - Check that the battery is healthy, - Building changes check, - Output test - Test, as thoroughly as is practical, that the input/output mappings are operating as programmed, - Cable checks - Inspect cables, fittings, connections and equipment to ensure they are undamaged, secure and adequately protected. Professional service is required to service fire alarm at the Laboratory Scientific Services. Quelle: ONLINE TENDERS

某单位小散远整修项目公开招标公告 Quelle: CCGP

福建省泉州监狱监控视频执勤系统项目成交公告 Quelle: CCGP