South Africa: ausschreibungen, öffentliche beschaffung

Gesamtangebot: 409864 + neu 395

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Derzeit enthält unsere Datenbank 409864 aktive Ausschreibungen, die verschiedene Branchen und Sektoren der Wirtschaft in South Africa abdecken. Wir bemühen uns, umfassende und aktuelle Informationen über Ausschreibungsverfahren und Beschaffungen in South Africa bereitzustellen, um Ihrem Unternehmen zu helfen, neue Möglichkeiten zu finden und seinen Tätigkeitsbereich zu erweitern.
Unsere Ausschreibungen umfassen ein breites Spektrum an Wirtschaftssektoren, einschließlich Bauwesen, Gesundheitswesen, Bildung, Verkehr, Energie, IT und Telekommunikation sowie viele andere Schlüsselsektoren. Dies bietet einzigartige Möglichkeiten für Unternehmen verschiedener Größen und Spezialisierungen.

19 oct

Nummer: 112550220

Land: South Africa


19 oct

Nummer: 112550221

Land: South Africa


19 oct

Nummer: 112550222

Land: South Africa


19 oct
Extension of closing date: Tenders are hereby invited for the administration, resuscitation, operation and development of PR Mphephu Airport. Scope of Works: Proposals are required from potential investors for the refurbishment/investment and operation from PR Mphephu Airport to other Airports. This request for proposal is being provided to the recipient to assist in making its appraisals of the partnership opportunities presented herein and in deciding whether to submit a proposal in connection with the opportunities. This RFP is not intended to serve as the basis for an investment decision on the opportunities, and each recipient is expected to make such independent investigations and to obtain such independent advice as he or she deems necessary for a decision. The purpose of this RFP is not a solicitation for proposal to privatise the airport, but it is rather an invitation for proposal that will leverage the sector’s access, development, utilisation and activation of the airport economy for job creation and economic opportunities in Vhembe District. The client will retain ownership of the airport and cease operation and management to the investor during the contract period. The proposal should include a plan to create and implement capital investment strategies to benefit both parties. The plan should include refurbishing and operating from the current airport facilities and expanding within and outside the Airport boundaries. Purpose of the request for proposal: The RFP is soliciting a multifaceted response that includes amongst other solutions that are innovative, creative, and importantly feasible, economic and sustainable proposals should address four critical components: - Administrative/management of the airport; - Refurbishment/Resuscitation of the airport; - Commercial and fixed base operations of the airport; - Development/expansion of the airport. (EN) Zu Favoriten hinzufügen
Ende der Bewerbung durch: 96 Tage

Nummer: 112550230

Land: South Africa


19 oct
Wooden Jungle Gym (EN) Zu Favoriten hinzufügen
Ende der Bewerbung durch: 88 Tage
Kunde: Made-in-china

Nummer: 112550233

Land: South Africa

Quelle: Made-in-china

19 oct
Human Hair Wig (EN) Zu Favoriten hinzufügen
Ende der Bewerbung durch: 88 Tage
Kunde: Made-in-china

Nummer: 112550235

Land: South Africa

Quelle: Made-in-china

19 oct
tires (EN) Zu Favoriten hinzufügen

Nummer: 112550343

Land: South Africa

Quelle: RFQ

19 oct

Nummer: 112550355

Land: South Africa

Quelle: RFQ

19 oct

Nummer: 112550500

Land: South Africa

Quelle: RFQ

19 oct

Nummer: 112550587

Land: South Africa

Quelle: RFQ

19 oct

Nummer: 112550781

Land: South Africa

Quelle: RFQ