South Africa: ausschreibungen, öffentliche beschaffung

Derzeit enthält unsere Datenbank 434135 aktive Ausschreibungen, die verschiedene Branchen und Sektoren der Wirtschaft in South Africa abdecken. Wir bemühen uns, umfassende und aktuelle Informationen über Ausschreibungsverfahren und Beschaffungen in South Africa bereitzustellen, um Ihrem Unternehmen zu helfen, neue Möglichkeiten zu finden und seinen Tätigkeitsbereich zu erweitern.
Unsere Ausschreibungen umfassen ein breites Spektrum an Wirtschaftssektoren, einschließlich Bauwesen, Gesundheitswesen, Bildung, Verkehr, Energie, IT und Telekommunikation sowie viele andere Schlüsselsektoren. Dies bietet einzigartige Möglichkeiten für Unternehmen verschiedener Größen und Spezialisierungen.

10 feb

Nummer: 118700346

Land: South Africa

Quelle: RFQ

10 feb

Nummer: 118700352

Land: South Africa

Quelle: RFQ

10 feb

Nummer: 118700398

Land: South Africa

Quelle: RFQ

10 feb

Nummer: 118700529

Land: South Africa

Quelle: RFQ

10 feb

Nummer: 118700653

Land: South Africa

Quelle: RFQ

10 feb
Bids are hereby invited for the provision of internal audit services for a period of three (3) financial years, subject to an annual review. Scope of works: • Develop the Internal Audit Charter that contains the purpose, authority, and responsibility of the internal audit activity. The Internal Audit Charter must be consistent with the New Global Standards; • Develop a rolling three-year strategic and annual internal audit plan based on the results of the risk review and the execution of audits in accordance with these plans; • Perform internal audits based on the approved client internal audit methodology and plan or when a specific need arises based on the request made by the client; • Attend quarterly meetings such as Audit and Risk Committee (ARC) and/or on request by the ARC or client Company Secretary; • Submit reports to the Audit Steering Committee as and when audits are completed; • Submit quarterly reports to the Audit & Risk Committee for the duration of the contract; • Conduct audit review on reported performance information against predetermined objectives for the selected programmes quarterly as presented in the Annual Performance Plan; • Conduct audit review on compliance with specific legislation in terms of selected subject matters and significant deficiencies in internal control; • Perform all Internal Audit functions in line with the requirements of the PFMA, Treasury Regulations as well as New Global Standards; • Liaise with the external auditors to prevent duplication of work and share information to obtain efficiencies; • Perform a follow-up of all Internal audit and external audit findings and determine whether the actions plan as recommended have been adequately addressed; • Provide assurance on Combined Assurance Model; • Conduct skills transfer in line with the agreed Training Plan. (EN) Zu Favoriten hinzufügen
Ende der Bewerbung durch: 22 Tage

Nummer: 118701950

Land: South Africa