Entsorgung Aushubmaterial (Ausschreibung №100827744de)

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Land: Germany
Sprache: DE
Nummer: 100827744
Veröffentlichungsdatum: 06-03-2024


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Voller Zugriff
Re-advertisement of Contract Number: 10406990R: Quotations are hereby invited for the following: Supply onsite service, calibration, call out, repairs and pressure testing of 5 x Astell Autoclaves, S/N: SPBN 21457, SPBN 21456, SPBN 21427, CLBN 52765 and CLBN 52764 at Analytical Services Hydrobiology and Microbiology Laboratories. Scope: - Onsite preventative maintenance of 5 existing Astell autoclaves - first service in Analytical Services Laboratories; - Onsite preventative maintenance of 5 existing Astell autoclaves - second service in Analytical Services Laboratories; - Onsite temperature calibration of 5 Astell autoclaves in Analytical Services Laboratories; - Autoclave printer paper thermal suitable for Astell autoclaves; - Magna Amp 10 x 50G stearothermophilus bio-indicator suitable for Astell autoclaves QC; - Onsite pressure testing of 5 Astell autoclaves in Analytical Services Laboratories; - Astell Autoclaves screen repairs. Quelle: ONLINE TENDERS

Re-advertisement: Quotations are hereby invited for the following: Supply and delivery of ADVC controller SF6 reclosure. Specifications: 1. ADVC controller only for N-series three phase recloser x 1; 2. To commission the N-series reclosure / FS6 nuelec breaker with the new protection settings x 1. Quelle: ONLINE TENDERS

Extension of Closing Date: Proposals are hereby invited for the following: Supply and Delivery of Laptops (including accessories) and Monitors to the Perishable Products Export Control Board (PPECB) Offices. Scope: 1. The service provider will be required to supply and deliver all the following laptops: a) HP ProBook 450 15.6 inch, b) HP EliteBook 650 15.6 inch, c) HP ZBook Firefly 9, 2. The service provider will be required to supply and deliver the following computer monitor: Dell S Series S2421HN or equivalent. Quelle: ONLINE TENDERS

Prospective service providers are hereby invited to submit informal quotes for the skip truck hire for collection of skip bins for Jeffreys Bay, St Francis Bay and Oyster Bay for a period of three (3) months. Quelle: ONLINE TENDERS

Elektroinstallation Quelle: iTWO tender

ÖA24_WE5231_Erneuerung Dämmfassade Quelle: iTWO tender