24A80051, Technisches Hilfswerk Hoya, 2805859- Umsetzung LWK, Neubau Löschwasserbrunnen (Ausschreibung №101161392de)

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Land: Germany
Sprache: DE
Nummer: 101161392
Veröffentlichungsdatum: 12-03-2024


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Voller Zugriff
The Waterberg District Municipality hereby invites service providers to submit quotations for occupational health and safety risk assessment for the Main office, Abattoir and Disaster Centre in Modimolle. Purpose: The purpose of risk assessment is to assist the municipality to comply with relevant safety regulations and prevent incidents that may lead to loss of life. Scope of work: This tender makes a provision for the appointment of a service provider to conduct risk assessment at the Main Office, Abattoir and Disaster Centre in Modimolle. The Facility Risk assessment will be conducted for the three stations while machinery and activity risk assessment will be conducted at the Abattoir. The appointed service provider will compile the risk register for all facilities. The risk criteria should include the risk factors, defined scales of risk levels, risk matrix and possible control measures for the municipality which will assist in prioritizing and making proper decisions for implementation of the risk assessment. Specification: 1. Facility Risk assessment (workplace building inspection): Main Building - on site, qty: 1, 2. Facility Risk assessment (workplace building inspection): Abattoir - on site, qty: 1, 3. Facility Risk assessment (workplace building inspection): Disaster Centre - on site, qty: 1, 4. Activity Risk assessment (All Abattoir staff) - on site, qty: 1, 5. Machinery Risk assessment (All Abattoir Staff) - on site, qty: 1, 6. Compilation of Risk Register - Off site, qty: 1. Project outcomes / outputs / deliverables: Conduct Occupational Health and Safety Risk assessment as explained in the scope and develop written reports on same. Delivery timeframe: This project is expected to be completed within 14 days from the date of acceptance of the appointment letter/purchase order. Quelle: ONLINE TENDERS

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