Planung Sanierung Außenanlagen Schule Kalstert (Ausschreibung №104103986de)

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Land: Germany
Sprache: DE
Nummer: 104103986
Veröffentlichungsdatum: 08-05-2024


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Voller Zugriff
Quotations are hereby invited for the following: SAPS: Ulundi: Repairs to faulty industrial geyser. Specifications: • 3000L vertical boiler replacement (if required) x 1; • Ring main circulation pump (if required) x 1; • Control 3 phase DB (breakers, change-over breaker, surge protector), if required x 1; • Electrical wiring (if required) x 1; • Pipes and fittings 50mm piping (10m of piping) if required x 1; • Pipes and fittings 22mm piping (35-40m of piping) if required x 1; • Lagging insulation (if required) x 1; • Temperature and pressure sensors (if required) x 1; • Rigging and positioning (if required) x 1. Required at: KwaZulu-Natal. Division or Section: Supply Chain Management. Please note that this quotation was published late. Quelle: ONLINE TENDERS

Quotations are hereby invited for the following: SAPS: Nottingham (Cnr of R103 & Lotheni Road): Desludging of 3 x overflowing septic tanks and repairs to a drainage system at the station and at married quarter’s connection to 8 x manholes (5 x at the station and 3 x at married quarters). Period: One week. Please note that this quotation was published late. Please confirm the closing date as two closing dates were published. Quelle: ONLINE TENDERS

Tenders are hereby invited for the following: DPWI Durban Regional Office: Services of Second Medical Opinion (Orthopedic Doctor/spinal Specialist and Pulmonologist) as per specification. Specifications: Orthopedic doctor/spinal specialist: • Conduct thorough assessment and provide second medical opinion in relation to spine condition; • Provide profession medical opinion in terms of reasonable accommodation in relation to a workplace environment; • If possesses private practice, provide valid practice details. Pulmonologist: • Conduct thorough assessment and provide second medical opinion in relation to Asthma condition; • Provide profession medical opinion in terms of reasonable accommodation in relation to a workplace environment; • If possesses private practice, provide valid practice details. Province: KwaZulu-Natal. Department or entity: Department of Public Works. Division or section: Supply Chain Management. Quelle: ONLINE TENDERS

RVE Baumfällarbeiten Bezirk 3 2024-25 (UBB-2024-0044) Quelle:

Kontrollbänder aus Papier Quelle:

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