le Trans kl bis 3,5t 2024 (Ausschreibung №106695698de)

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Land: Germany
Sprache: DE
Nummer: 106695698
Veröffentlichungsdatum: 28-06-2024


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Quotations are hereby invited for the following: Cabling and LAN Infrastructure at Lamontville SAPS. Specifications: - Panel Brush extended 2 Rings 1U; - Electrical outlets 16a complete with Surfix cable and plug assembly, normal white, for mounting in PVC Skirting including insert, cover plate and labelling. A maximum of 100 meters of Surfix cable is allowed per 5 electrical points; - Electrical outlet 16a complete with Surfix and plug assembly, dedicated red, for mounting in pvc Skirting including insert, cover plate and labelling. A maximum of 100 meters of Surfix cable is allowed per 5 electrical points; - Circuit Breaker 20 Amp, 6KA; - Cat 6 patching, blank cover, 5m fly lead, 2m patch lead, labelling & testing; - Patch Panel Blank 1U; - Heavy Duty Duct CST (50/125) OM3 Loose Tube / 13.7mm / PE Sheath 4 Fibre; - Splicing 4 core fibre; - Fibre OTDR Testing and labelling; - Fibre patch cord duplex multimode OM3 1m LC-LC; - Panel Fiber patch SC 24 way; - Bosal Pipe 50mm (incl. Hospital Saddles, coupling and 1 anchors); - PVC Pipe 50ml (incl. Hospital Saddles, coupling and 1 anchor); - Core drilling 50mm / per hole; - 2 Compartment PVC Power Skirting X2.438m Straight Channel Wire 1 Cover & Splices, anchors and washers; - Junction Box (J4); - Sundries; - Remove and Reinstatement of Surfaces: Soft soil and concrete; - Trenching concrete 850 x 450 x p/m including bedding, backfill and compacting including warning and danger tape; - Visio drawing - Schematic Layout of site - labour (per/hour) (soft and hard copy); - Travel to site for cabling Installation; - Accommodation per night - S&T - for cabling Installation (fees charged as per SLA Terms & conditions maximum amount R850); - COC - Electrical Certification - (per DB); - Installation of two existing cabinets. Quelle: ONLINE TENDERS

Re-Advertisement of Tender Number: ECDC/ELN/RFQ0004/042024. Bids are hereby invited for the following: Supply and installation of a smart online UPS system of 60kva with comprehensive onsite UPS and batteries warranty at the Head Office in East London. Scope: a. The Contractor shall furnish and install a three-phase continuous duty, on-line, double conversion, solid-state uninterruptible power system, hereafter referred to as the UPS. The UPS shall operate in conjunction with the existing building electrical system to provide power conditioning, back up and distribution for critical electrical loads; b. The UPS shall consist of, as required by the project, the UPS module, battery cabinet(s), and accessory or “option” cabinet(s) for transformers, maintenance bypass, parallel tie, and distribution applications, and other features as described in the specification; c. The successful bidder shall supply, transport, and install the UPS systems as at the identified locations and shall be erected and carried out in accordance with the following: • Basic Conditions of Employment Act and the Machinery and Occupational Safety Act of 1983, as amended. within the industry health & safety guidelines; • The local Municipality by-laws and Regulations as well as the regulations of the local Supply Authority; • The local Fire regulations. d. Install the UPS physically at location specified; e. Install all Battery bank physically with interlink cables in recommended battery cabinet; f. Check the Three phase power supply and earthing; g. Terminate the cables properly at input section, output section and earthing; h. Identify/Tagged Three phase, Neutral and Earth properly (R, Y, B, N, E); i. Check the Input, Output, Earth-Neutral voltage, DC Bus, and Individual battery voltage and mention the same in the Installation Report; j. Asset Tagging during installation, Engineer will share details of UPS asset creation; k. One set of manuals on the operation of the UPS System to be provided. Quelle: ONLINE TENDERS

Johannesburg City Parks and Zoo, the greening, conservation and cemetery management agency for the City of Johannesburg Municipality, invites contractors from suitably legally registered companies for the following contract: Supply and deliver bulk liquified petroleum gas, natural gas and other specialised gases at various JCPZ Depots, and/or install and maintain bulk gas tanks at selected depots, Contract period: 36 months. Quelle: ONLINE TENDERS

Quotations are hereby invited for the following: Water and wastewater quality analysis. Scope: - Full SANS 241:2015 on drinking water: HPC, E.coli, Faecal & Total coliform, Somatic coliphages, Colour, Turbidity, TDS, pH, EC, Ca, Mg, Na, K, F, Cl, NO2, NO3, PO4, SO4, NH4, Al, Sb, As, Ba, B, Cd, Cr, Cu, CN (total), Fe, Pb, Mn, Hg, Ni, Se, U, Zn, TOC, phenols, Free chlorine and THM. - National Water Act of 1998 on Waste: Faecal coliform, COD, pH, Ammonia, Nitrate, Free Chlorine, SS, EC, Phosphate, Fluoride, Oil & grease, As, Cd, Cr (VI), Cu, CN (free), Fe, Pb, Mn, Hg, Ni, Se, Zn, B. Quelle: ONLINE TENDERS

Re-Advertisement: The Province of KwaZulu-Natal, Department of Transport, invites tenders from contractors experienced in roadworks for the following: Betterment and Re-Gravelling on Road P432 between 3.2km to 11.2 km under Ulundi Local Municipality. Duration: 05 Months. Quelle: ONLINE TENDERS

Quotations are hereby invited for the following: Servicing of fridges at Newcastle Local Office. Specifications: - Servicing and maintenance of cooling system parts and re-gassing of double door upright cooler, model: MPM240, litres: 1073, qty: 1 x double door fridge; - Re-gas and service of KIC supercool top freezer fridges (volume: Fridge = 192, Freezer = 73, total: 265L), qty: 3 x KIC fridge. Delivery address: 50 Paterson Street. Please note that this quotation was published late. Quelle: ONLINE TENDERS