Erstellung einer Machbarkeitsstudie im Projekt TeAM H2 -Technische Analyse Machbarkeit H2 (Ausschreibung №107759824de)

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Land: Germany
Sprache: DE
Nummer: 107759824
Veröffentlichungsdatum: 19-07-2024


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Voller Zugriff
Bids are hereby for the following: Supply and delivery of comprehensive onsite catering services to the ARMSCOR Head Office for a period of 36 months. Quelle: ONLINE TENDERS

Quotations are hereby invited for the following: Provision of repairs to RTG003 trim assembly at Durban Container Terminal Pier 1 (once off). Specifications: - 1 x Repairs RTG03 Skew Assembly. Scope Requirements: • Contractor to repair Skew assembly electrical and mechanical. • Commission, test and hand over. Quelle: ONLINE TENDERS

Quotations are hereby invited for the following: Supply and delivery of business cards. Scope: Minister Business cards, Qty: 500; Deputy Minister Business cards, Qty: 500. Please note that this quotation was published late. Quelle: ONLINE TENDERS

Eskom Holdings SOC Ltd (hereinafter “Eskom”) invites you to submit a tender for the Once-Off Supply and Delivery of Masoneilan Spares to Koeberg Nuclear Power Station. Scope: 1. Stm-165281 valve glb: 2 in; 7800 kpa; 232 deg; 1216 mm 88-78439f regulating globe valve with actuator; Manufacturer: Masoneilan; Valve size: 2 in; Maximum pressure: 7800 kpa; Maximum temperature: 232 deg; Face to face length: 1216 mm; Operated: actuated/pneumatic; connection: socket weld; Body material: A105 forged; Trim: ASTM A479 St. 410; Classification no.: 0204/87q; Safety: NSF; Seismic: NC; Quality: Q3; Safety level of organisation: L3; Environmental: NEV; Importance: AR; Specification no: DSG-312-085; Func loc: 1/2 APG013/014VL; Qty: 4 each. 2. Stm-165285 positioner: pneumatic 4711p; al: Manufacturer: Masoneilan; Positioner: type: pneumatic 4711p; material: aluminum; Air supply pressure:20.7 to 103 kpa, operation: direct; Positioner feedback; Movement: linear; Classification no.: 0204/87q; Safety: NSF; Seismic: NC; Quality: Q3; Safety level of organization: L3; Environmental: NEV; Importance: AR; Certification required : DSG-312-085; Func loc: 1/2 APG013/014VL, Qty: 4 each. 3. 0695102 diaphragm acttr: od 527 x thk +-4 mm: Mnf: Masoneilan; P/no: 720059547-999-0000; Diaphragm, actuator: Dimensions: od 527 x thk +-4 mm; material: Buna-N; Actuator style: with metal inserts; specification: 40 holes Actuator diaphragm model: 38-40411- 8"; KBA: 1220A04007; item No: 39; M/main: 36 vol 4; C.O.C; certificate of interchangeability (C.O.I.); Shelf life and cure date; 0007/92Q; Q4: Nsf: Nc: Nev; Func loc: 1/2 GCT 110-123 VV; Qty: 15 each. Quelle: ONLINE TENDERS

Sanierung RÜBs MJCA1-Tiefbau, Bautechnik Quelle:

Beschaffung von digitalen Tafelsystemen, Schülerlaptops, Ladewagen Quelle: