MHH - K05 - OP Block 3 - Gewerk: Bodenbelagsarbeiten (Ausschreibung №115081343de)

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Land: Germany
Sprache: DE
Nummer: 115081343
Veröffentlichungsdatum: 29-11-2024


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Voller Zugriff
Quotations are hereby invited for the Supply of UPS, BTU and Batteries at O.R. Tambo International Airport. Scope of Work: This scope of works entails the following: A suitable contractor is required to supply, install, offload and deliver UPS, BTU and Batteries at O.R. Tambo International Airport. The extent of the works is as follows: • Supply, deliver, offload, rig into position, install and commission all UPS, batteries, battery terminal (tripping) units, and all accessories required to complete the installation of the UPS system; • Connect new UPS’s in a new agreed position in sync configuration with the supply; • Blue essential distribution must be connected into a by-pass coupler from the UPS; • Provide all required tests equipment and demonstration of the performance of the UPS system; • Arrange training for operator personnel and training manual; • Provide any special tools that may be required for operation or maintenance purposes, including spares of each type and rating of each fuse; • Label cables and DB’s; • Issue Certificate of Compliance for the installation; • Supply, install, connect, and terminate new UPS cables; • Connect and reuse all existing battery cables; • Conduct all necessary battery test; • Conduct quality check and control of installation work; • Commission installation works (this must be done with the current UPS maintenance contractors and others required); • Perform factory acceptance test (FAT); • Perform site acceptance test (SAT); • Connect UPSs online and handover site; • Determine if the cables existing, sizes are adequate for the supply and load of the UPS; • 10mm² 4C trailing cables to be provided (including terminations) between UPS input terminals and new emergency and essential distributions terminals; • 10mm² 2C/ECC/PVC Cu cables to be provided (including terminations) between junction box to a new essential distribution boards; • Disconnect all, cables, links, and main battery cables; • Remove all UPSs and deliver to electrical store; • Remove input and output cables of the UPS and deliver to electrical store. Quelle: ONLINE TENDERS

Bids are hereby invited for to provision, configure, install and maintain a Court Recording and Audio-Visual Solution (CRAVS) for courts and correctional centres for a period of five (05) years. Quelle: ONLINE TENDERS

Quotations are hereby invited for the Supply, delivery, and installation (where required) of agricultural livestock equipment. Scope: - Feed Trough, - Cattle Water Trough, - Flow Bins with Fittings, - Gas Branding Oven, - Gas Branding Iron (Single letter/Numbers/Symbols), - Water Pump. Quelle: ONLINE TENDERS

Schule an der Paulusstraße - WDVS Quelle:

Schule an der Paulusstraße - Rohbau Quelle:

MHH- Rahmenvertrag Technikerunterstützung im Veranstaltungsmanagement: Veranstaltungsbetreuung, Instandhaltung und Wartung Quelle: