PV-Anlage - Geb. 1 und 2 (23-75354) (Ausschreibung №96532423de)

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Land: Germany
Sprache: DE
Nummer: 96532423
Veröffentlichungsdatum: 19-12-2023


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Voller Zugriff
Bids are hereby invited for the following: Appointment of a contractor for the construction of the boundary fence and gates at the KwaZulu Natal Herbarium, Durban. Scope of Works: The scope of works per phase includes, but is not necessarily limited to, the following: • Clear, remove and grub the rubbish, debris, vegetation, hedges, boulders, shrubs and trees to a maximum width of 2 m; • Removal and disposal of the existing diamond mesh, palisade fence; • Remove to store the existing palisade fence on site; • Excavation for trenches for the installation of high-density, anti-climbing and anti-cut pressed mesh fence; • Formwork and pouring of concrete around the fence post; • Installation of 3 600 m long of high density, anti-climbing and anti-cut pressed mesh fence with all the associated fittings and fixtures; • Installation of 3 600 m long of under dig underneath the high density, anti-climbing and anti-cut pressed mesh fence with all the associated fittings and fixtures; • Installation of swing gates; • Installation of 1 sliding gate. Note that all the products should be CSIR and SABS approved. The project is located at the Kwazulu-Natal Herbarium, Durban. Quelle: ONLINE TENDERS

BCU-ITT-55210- X Ray Room Replacements within BCUHB Quelle: Sell2Wales – Government´s Initiative

PHW-ITT-55191 - Diabetic Eye Screening Wales Vehicle Servicing Quelle: Sell2Wales – Government´s Initiative

RStudio Workbench Licences Quelle: Sell2Wales – Government´s Initiative

Freehold and Leasehold RAAC Surveys for Health Board Estate Quelle: Sell2Wales – Government´s Initiative

Research into interventions when using the Welsh language Quelle: Sell2Wales – Government´s Initiative