Framework Contract of College Journal for Services Institute of Medical Sciences, Jail Road, Lahore. (Ausschreibung №83554338de)

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Land: India
Sprache: EN
Nummer: 83554338
Veröffentlichungsdatum: 05-05-2023


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Voller Zugriff
Quotations are hereby invited for the following: Appointment of service provider to develop guidelines for the development of an industry code. Scope: The purpose of appointing the service providers is for the provision of legal services for the drafting of the Industry code (Code of Conduct). In doing so the Service Provider should, for each regulatory instrument ensure the following is undertaken: - Define the problem to be addressed; - Conduct research and gather information; - Determine the scope and objectives of the Industry Code; - Choose the appropriate legal basis for all the Industry Code; - Write the text of the regulatory instrument in clear and concise language; - Include relevant definitions and clarifications; - Consider necessary exemptions and transition periods; - Include implementation and enforcement provisions; and - Ensure consistency with existing laws and regulations. Quelle: ONLINE TENDERS

Bids are hereby invited for the supply and delivery of invisible PVC coated fencing (material only) at the Bushmans Integrated Emergency Response Centre (BIERC, adjacent to the R72 in Boesmansriviermond). Specifications: General specification of fence: • Fence distance (408m) - 100 x 50mm; • Spacing between posts (3m); • Corners (3 corners); • Fence height (1.8m); • Nr of gates (1). Material required: Item: 1. Wire Wall post, PVC 2.4m, 95 x 60mm, Unit: Each, Quantity: 137, 2. Wire Wall post, PVC 2.4m, (additional corners), Unit: Each, Quantity: 3, 3. WW Fencing cap, Unit: Each, Quantity: 140, 4. WW Rectangle washer, M8, 32 x 20 x 6mm, cleat, Unit: Each, Quantity: 560, 5. WW Round flat washer, Unit: Each, Quantity: 560, 6. WW Tie Rod, M8 x 100 x 17mm & Nib, 36 x 1200 mm, Unit: Each, Quantity: 560, 7. WW Nut sheer stainless steel, M8, Unit: Each, Quantity: 572, 8. WW Cover Plate, Unit: Each, Quantity: 140, 9. Allfor 100 Wire Wall panel, 1800 x 3050mm, Unit: Each, Quantity: 136, 10. 100mm Serrated Top rail ripper, Unit: Each, Quantity: 136, 11. M8 Shearnut SS, Unit: Each, Quantity: 816, 12. M8x 25 Fender washer, Unit: Each, Quantity: 816, 13. M8 x 30 Cup square Bolts SS, Unit: Each, Quantity: 816, 14. Sliding Gate, 8000 x 1800mm (2x4m), Unit: Each, Quantity: 1. Quelle: ONLINE TENDERS


Framework Contract of General Store Items, for Services Hospital, Lahore. Quelle: PPRA SERVICES PORTAL

Framework Contract of M & R Store Items, for Services Hospital, Lahore. Quelle: PPRA SERVICES PORTAL

Framework Contract of Printing Items, for Services Hospital, Lahore. Quelle: PPRA SERVICES PORTAL