Invitation for Bids (Ausschreibung №93573900de)

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Land: India
Sprache: EN
Nummer: 93573900
Veröffentlichungsdatum: 02-11-2023


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Voller Zugriff
Re-Advertisement: Quotations are hereby invited for the following: Supply and delivery of food packs in different areas within Ray Nkonyeni Municipality. Specifications: 1. 2 rolls x 1950; 2. Fruit x 1950; 3. 330ml fizzy drink x 1950; 4. 500ml water x 1950; 5. Quarter leg x 1950. Please note that this quotation was published late. Quelle: ONLINE TENDERS

Quotations are hereby invited for the following: Fleet: Heavy Vehicle Spares Procurement: - 10 each x Axle 2 LS Nuts Worn CAA394898 56902KM, Repairs to be done: Axle 2 LS Nuts & Studs Worn, Supply 10 x Wheel Studs, Type of vehicle & model: Isuzu FVZ1400 Tipper 2022, Registration No: CAA394898, Vin no: ACVFVZ34R8Z089102, Mileage: 56902KM, Notification/Works Order No: 902009138l - 10 each x Axle 2 LS Nuts Worn CAA394898 56902KM, Repairs to be done: Axle 2 LS Nuts & Studs Worn, Supply 10 x Wheel Stud Nuts, Type of vehicle & model: Isuzu FVZ1400 Tipper 2022, Registration No: CAA394898, Vin no: ACVFVZ34R8Z089102, Mileage: 56902KM Notification/Works Order No:902009138, - CAA13098 96228km Rear View Mirror broken, Repairs to be done: Blindspot Mirror Broken, Supply 1 x LHS Blindspot Mirror, Type of vehicle & model: Isuzu FVZ1600 19M3 Comp 2019, Registration No: CAA13098, Vin no: ACVFVZ34R8Z017542, Mileage: 96228km Notification/Works Order No: 902005964, - CA23327 Diesel Tank Cap Broken 93222KM, Repairs to be done: Diesel Tank Cap Broken, Supply 1 x Lockable Diesel Tank Cap, Type of vehicle and the model: Isuzu FVZ1600 20M3 Comp 2016, Registration no: CA23327, Vin no: Mileage: 93222KM, Notification/worksorder no: 902008115, - Replace L/Side Mirror Broken CY234223KM, Repairs to be done: Replace L/Side Mirror Broken, Supply 2 x Universal Wide angle Rear View Mirrors, Type of vehicle and the model: Isuzu FSR700 R-Truck 2007, Registration no: CY234223, Vin no: ADMTFSR33L1Z394966, Mileage: Notification: 902009085, - CY235072 Oil Dip Stik Broken, Repairs to be done: Oil Dip Stik Broken, Supply 1 x Engine Oil Dip Stick, Type of vehicle and the model: Isuzu FSR700 R-Truck 2007, Registration/Plant no: CY235072, Vin/Serial no: ADMFSR33L1Z390952, Kilometres: 320837KM, Hours: Notification no: 902009394. Delivery Date: 2024/01/29. Delivery To: Shane Williams, Solid Waste Management. Delivery Address: 1 Solid Waste Management, 5 Bamboesvlei Rd, Ottery. Please note this quotation was published late. Quelle: ONLINE TENDERS

Quotations are hereby invited for the following: Supply, delivery and offloading of circuit breaker 300A NF400-CSA. Specifications: - C/Breaker 300A NF400-CS (Mitsubishi or equivalent). Quelle: ONLINE TENDERS

Re-advertisement: Quotations are hereby invited for the following: Supply and deliver Santa Claus refurbishment jackets waistcoat belt bags and wigs as per specifications. Quelle: ONLINE TENDERS


Procurement of General Store Items, Stationary & Printing Items o/O DHO (PS) Bahawalnagar for the FY 2023-24 Quelle: PPRA SERVICES PORTAL