Replacement of Existing 1996 Building Space Heating Service, Gas Safety Systems & Associated Electrical Services and Builder work at Scoil Ruain, Killenaule, Co Tipperary E41 XY95 (Ausschreibung №82375796de)

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Land: Ireland
Sprache: IE
Nummer: 82375796
Veröffentlichungsdatum: 17-04-2023


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Quotations are hereby invited for the following: Electrical Equipment & Components: Supply of fuse holder, STI, 30A, 500v, 3w, ivory, sealable, qty: 490 each. Specifications: - Fuse holder - type: STI; - Amperage: 30A; - Voltage: 500V; - Power dissipation: 3W; - Colour: Ivory; - Thermoplastic Isolatable Type STI Single Pole fuse holder for Cylindrical 10 x 38mm fuses, Sealable - Seal hole diameter: 2mm; - Standards: SANS 60947-3, SANS 60269; - Brand: Type CHM or equivalent to approval; - Guideline: Wherever reference is made to any particular trade mark, name, patent, design, type, specific origin or producer, such reference shall be deemed to be accompanied by the words "or equivalent". Delivery date: 2023/06/19. Delivery to: Electricity - Bloemhof. Delivery address: 01 Bloemhof Road, Bellville. Please note that this quotation was published late. Quelle: ONLINE TENDERS

Quotations are hereby invited for the following: Tools & Machinery: Supply of crimping tool 6-120mm ht06120 Hellerman, qty: 2 each. Specifications: - Crimping Tool 6-120mm HT06120 Hellerman or equivalent; - Crimp tool (Tubular lugs); - 6mm² -120mm; - Movable and rotating dies; - Tubular cable lugs and connectors; - Dies included; - Wherever reference is made to any particular trade mark, name, patent, design, type, specific origin or producer, such reference shall be deemed to be accompanied by the words "or equivalent". Delivery date: 2023/06/30. Delivery to: Electricity House, materials store. Delivery address: 5th Floor, 80 Bree Street, Cape Town. Please note that this quotation was published late. Quelle: ONLINE TENDERS

Quotations are hereby invited for the following: Electrical Equipment & Components: -200 each x Ferrule - Type: Crimping; Material: Aluminium; Cable Size: 120mm²; Cable Type: Solid Aluminium Low-Voltage; Design: AL4, 4-core sector shaped conductor, open centre; Standards: SANS 61238-1; Brand: Stone-StamcorAL4-F-120 or equivalent to approval; - 300 each x Ferrule - Type: Crimping; Material: Aluminium; Cable Size: 70mm²; Cable Type: Solid Aluminium Low-Voltage; Design: AL4, 4-core sector shaped conductor, open centre; Standards: SANS 61238-1; Brand: Stone-StamcorAL4-F-70 or equivalent to approval; Guideline: Wherever reference is made to any particular Trade Mark, Name, Patent, Design, Type, Specific Origin or Producer, such reference shall be deemed to be accompanied by the words "or equivalent". Delivery date: 2023/06/02. Delivery to: Electricity - Ndabeni, Red 1 Plant. Delivery address: 13 Melck Street, Ndabeni. Quelle: ONLINE TENDERS

Quotations are hereby invited for the following: Tools & Machinery: Supply of Crimping tool indent 16-120 bowcrimpt, qty: 2 each. Specifications: - Crimping Tool Indent 16-120 Bowcimpt or equivalent; - Indent crimp tool (Uninsulated terminals); - 16mm² -120mm; - Screw adjustable crimping pressure; - Wherever reference is made to any particular trade mark, name, patent, design, type, specific origin or producer, such reference shall be deemed to be accompanied by the words "or equivalent". Delivery date: 2023/06/30. Delivery to: Electricity House City of Cape Town City Depot - 5th Floor. Delivery address: 5th Floor, 80 Bree Street, Cape Town. Please note that this quotation was published late. Quelle: ONLINE TENDERS

Quotations are hereby invited for the following: Electrical Equipment & Components: 95 each x Ballast - Type: High Pressure Sodium; Wattage: 250W; Guideline: Wherever reference is made to any particular Trade Mark, Name, Patent, Design, Type, Specific Origin or Producer, such reference shall be deemed to be accompanied by the words "or equivalent". Delivery date: 2023/06/19. Delivery to: Electricity - Bloemhof, Materials Store. Delivery address: 1 Bloemhof Road, Bellville. Quelle: ONLINE TENDERS

Teagasc Ballyhaise - Construction of a 3 Storey Student Accommodation Block Quelle: eTenders - National database for public procurement