Seat Gap Organiser (Ausschreibung №43742110de)

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Land: Kenya
Sprache: EN
Nummer: 43742110
Veröffentlichungsdatum: 27-06-2021


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广西新宇建设项目管理有限公司2021年北海市排水设施创城维修清淤管护项目(排水盖板)(BHZC2... Quelle: CCGP

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Sparsh Hand Work Design Kurti Quelle: Exportersindia

The LNS wants: - To acquire automated special coloration stainer(s), - And a maintenance period of minimum two years after at least one year of warranty. This Call for Tenders is aimed at concluding a Contract for supply and Services, fixed at three (3) years (1 year of warranty and 2 years of initial maintenance), maintenance renewable three (3) times for one (1) year (3 + 1 + 1 + 1) on the advice of the LNS, in order to retain a Contracting Party known for its expertise in anatomical pathology diagnostics. The Contracting Party shall ensure the due and proper execution and coordination of the acquisition of the material and the services of maintenance, on behalf of the LNS. The supply and Services shall be performed by the Contracting Party’s staff, whose competence, courtesy and presentation shall be irreproachable. The Contract shall only include the following lot/shall include the following lots: Lot No. 1: Automated special coloration stainer(s) Lot No. 2: Supply of reagents Lot No. 3: Maintenance as defined in greater detail in the Technical Terms and Conditions. Obligation to tender for the set of lots Quelle: portail des Marchec publics