Contractor for the construction of 5 water holes (Ausschreibung №114976364de)

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Land: Mozambique
Sprache: EN
Nummer: 114976364
Veröffentlichungsdatum: 28-11-2024
Ende der Bewerbung durch: 23 Tage


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Voller Zugriff
Quotations are hereby invited for procurement of end user devices for client for a period of three (03) years. Scope: The requirement is for following devices: 1. Item 1: Higher Spec Desktop PC_AIO2 (243 units); 2. Item 2: Standard Notebook NB3 (280 units); 3. Item 3: Higher Spec Notebook NB4 (217 units). All accessories (battery, charger, mouse, keyboards, cables, Backpack carry bags with proper padding to protect device) required for the devices to be optimally used must be provided and included in the 36 months’ warranty. An on-premises support contract for incidents and faults for the duration of the contract, with a minimum contract period of thirty-six (36) months and service level agreement (SLA). Quelle: ONLINE TENDERS

Quotations are hereby invited for servicing of two autoclaves. Scope: 1. Lab companion autoclave ST-G series, 2. SIRUS autoclave. Quelle: ONLINE TENDERS

Quotations are hereby invited for the supply and delivery of gumboots. Specifications: - PVC upper for excellent water resistance, flexibility, and durability; - Reinforced ankle guard; - Cut-off trim ridges to allow for height adjustment; - Protective ribs for enhanced heel protection; - Nitrile PVC sole for enhanced resistance against acids, oils, and chemicals as well as uneven and harsh terrain; - Cleated sole provides SRA slip-resistance rating and maximum soil release; - Nylon/polyester fine knit liner for easy cleaning and quick drying, enabling maximum hygiene; - Designed with optimal toe spring for walking and kneeling. Sizes: - Gumboots, Size: 8 x 31; - Gumboots, Size: 6 x 12; - Gumboots, Size: 4 x 9; - Gumboots, Size: 10 x 25; - Gloves Skin Goat x 48; - Gumboots, Size: 9 x 36; - Gumboots, Size: 7 x 26; - Gumboots, Size: 5 x 4; - Gumboots, Size: 11 x 4. Quelle: ONLINE TENDERS

Quotations are hereby invited for the following: Animal Pellets. Scope: - 7 each x sling bags. Please include cost on quote with animal feed; - 40 x 40kg bags of Riders Pellets (Pellets for horses); - 260 x 40kg bags of Semi-Complete Ruminant Pellets (Pellets for cattle, sheep, and goats). Please note that this quotation was published late. Please confirm the closing date. Quelle: ONLINE TENDERS

Quotations are hereby invited for the Supply and Delivery of Universal Flange Adaptors and Valves. Specifications: - 500 mm Universal Flange Adaptor (518-534) x 2; - 450 mm Universal Flange Adaptor (476-493) x 4; - 80 mm Gate Valve - Cobra 1001 or Equivalent x 6; - 40 mm Gate Valve - Cobra 1001 or Equivalent x 10; - 25 mm Gate Valve - Cobra 1001 or Equivalent x 10; - 20 mm Stop Cock Valves FF - Cobra or Equivalent x 20; - 15 mm Ball Valve MF x 50; - 50 mm Gate Valve x 10; - 25 mm Brass Non-Return Valve (Swing) x 10; - 20 mm Gate Valve - Cobra or Equivalent x 200; - 20 mm Ball Valve MF x 200. Quelle: ONLINE TENDERS

Quotations are hereby invited for the following: Privacy desk dividers/shields (116 x 60) x 4. Scope: - Sound-absorbing baffle, - Anti-peeping baffle, - No-drill dividers wrapped with black fabric. Quelle: ONLINE TENDERS