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Land: Philippines
Sprache: UK
Nummer: 108601385
Veröffentlichungsdatum: 05-08-2024
Erster Preis des Vertrags: 5 188 (EUR)
Ursprünglicher Betrag: 300 000 (PHP)



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Voller Zugriff
Quotations are hereby invited for the following: Supply and deliver flex endotracheal tube - (reinforced) various sizes, qty: 06 packs. Specifications: - Flex endotracheal tube — (reinforced); - Size: 6.5 tube (OD 8.9mm), 7 tube (OD 9.7mrn), 7.5 tube (OD 10.3mm); - Colour: Opaque; - Material: PHT (precipitation heat treatment); - Packaging (unit/box:) There are 5 tubes in a packet; - Functionality/performance: To assist with intra-operative nerve monitoring during thyroidectomy; - Purpose: Identify and protect the recurrent laryngeal nerve during surgery; - Other: Used by both ENT and Endocrine surgeons. Institution Name: Inkosi Albert Luthuli Central Hospital. Province: KwaZulu-Natal. Department of entity: Department of Health. Division or section: Central Supply Chain Management. Place where goods/service is required: Inkosi Albert Luthuli Central Hospital. Contract period (if applicable): Once off. Please note that this quotation was published late. Quelle: ONLINE TENDERS

Quotations are hereby invited for the following: Supply electrical materials. Specifications: • 2.5mm² core + earth surfix cable x 300, • 25A Daylight switch: - Protection grade IP 44, - Ambient: - 5 to 50 lux (adjustable), - AC 220-240V. Contract period: Once off. Institution Name: General Justice Gizenga Mpanza Hospital, Province: KwaZulu-Natal, Department of entity: Department of Health, Division or section: Central Supply Chain Management. Place where goods/services is required: GJGM Hospital. Please note this quotation was published late. Quelle: ONLINE TENDERS

Procurement of Catering & Billeting Services Quelle: Philippine Goverment Electronic Procurement system

Tanauan City Integrated High School-SHS-CCTV Quelle: Philippine Goverment Electronic Procurement system

Supply and Delivery of Materials for the Rehabilitation of ATON and CGDSWM Facilities Quelle: Philippine Goverment Electronic Procurement system

PROCUREMENT OF OFFICE FURNITURES, FIXTURES, EQUIPMENT Quelle: Philippine Goverment Electronic Procurement system