Nakup in dobava novega robotskega sistema (Ausschreibung №76386234de)

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Land: Slovenia
Sprache: SI
Nummer: 76386234
Veröffentlichungsdatum: 25-01-2023


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Voller Zugriff
Re-Advertisement: Quotations are hereby invited from service providers for the supply, delivery and installation of press brake plate bending machine for engineering process Level 4 at Maake Campus. Specifications: • NC Press brake plate bending machine including installation and training; (Electrical powered) 5mm x 2500mm including installation, mounting and training 40 ton three phase power supply (industrial, not DIY); Quantity: 1. NB: Goods are needed urgently; the recommended service provider will be required to deliver the goods within 7 to 14 days after the order is issued. Please note that this quotation was published late. Quelle: ONLINE TENDERS

Quotations are hereby invited from service providers for supply & delivery of consumables for materials and masonry level 2-4 at Maake Campus. Scope: 1. River Sand: River sand 15M³ x 02; 2. Metal sheet: 2m x 1m x 2mm high tensile metal sheeting x 4; 3. Lime: 25kg White lime x 50 Bags; 4. Wood glue: Alcolin cold glue 1 litre x 2; 5. Plywood: 1200mm x 2700mm (7ply) x 10; 6. Hot-melt adhesive: 200mm sticks x 20; 7. Acrylic sealant: 300ml Alcolin acrylic sealant (Black, White and Clear) x 06 (2 per colour); 8. Silicon sealant: 300ml Alcolin silicon sealant (black, white and clear) x 06 (2 per colour); 9. Cement blocks: 390 x 190 x 140mm cement block x 200. Quelle: ONLINE TENDERS

Quotations are hereby invited from service providers for supply & delivery of consumable metals for materials technology level 03 at Maake Campus. Scope: 1. Cast iron solid round bar, 6m x 10mm (standard sizes) x 10; 2. Cast iron flat bar, Length = 6m (standard sizes) Width = 15mm Thickness = 10mm x 10; 3. High carbon steel solid round bar, Length = 6m x 10mm (standard size) x 10; 4. High carbon steel flat bar, Length = 6m (standard sizes) Width = 15mm Thickness = 10mm x 10. Quelle: ONLINE TENDERS

Letaba TVET College is looking for service provider to supply and deliver unisex golf shirts, unisex corporate shits, tracksuits and willow bush hats for the College. Quelle: ONLINE TENDERS

Vzdrževanje medicinske opreme Carl Zeiss - ponovitev Quelle: Uradni list Slovenia

Implementacija nove sistemizacije MZZ v aplikacije SPIS4, IPP in Depešni sistem ter vključevanje DKP v Depešni sistem in dodajanje/reaktivacija DKP v Depešnem sistemu Quelle: Uradni list Slovenia