Suitable service providers are invited to submit quotations for the following requirements of Umdoni Municipality: Supply and delivery of oils/fluids and lubricants for refused trucks. Quality must be equivalents to BP product. Specification: a) HLP 68 hydraulic oil, 20ltrs, 50, b) Energol 15w40, 15ltrs, 20, c) DX II Transmission fluid, 10ltrs, 10, d) 85w140 gear oil, 10ltrs, 10, e) Degreasing liquid, not water based, 20ltrs, 20, f) DOT 4 brake fluid, 5ltrs, 5, g) Antifreeze blue 50/50, 20ltrs, 10, h) EP 2 grease, 20ltrs, 10. (Ausschreibung №100837306de)

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Land: South Africa
Sprache: EN
Nummer: 100837306
Veröffentlichungsdatum: 06-03-2024


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Miscellaneous Civil Maintenance Works Quelle: Tender Board - Kingdom of Bahrain

Re-Advertisement: Legal Aid South Africa invites tenders for general building maintenance. Quelle: ONLINE TENDERS

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Quotations are hereby invited for the following: Appointment of a service provider to do a survey and produce an approved SG diagram of approximately 250 ha over portion 0 (remaining extent) of the farm Berline no.17052 HT with total extent of 1137.7718 ha for labour tenant as per the settlement agreement signed: the farm is situated under Abaqulusi Local Municipality, within Zululand District Municipality in the province of KwaZulu-Natal. Objective: To subdivide the remainder of the farm Berlin No. 17052 - HT to create portion 3 of the farm Berlin No. 17052 - HT with extent +/- 250 hectares. The new portion is to be designated portion 3 of the farm Berlin No. 17052 registration division HT, the designation has been reserved by the Surveyor-General"s office. Quelle: ONLINE TENDERS

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