Tenders are hereby invited for the following: Property Entrance Storm Water System. The objective of the works is to provide a solution to the flooding that occurs on the road to the main entrance, at the Zuikerbosch Pumping Station (Fig1). The successful contractor will be required to upgrade the existing storm water system. The works shall entail the following: A) Remove the existing steel pipe (260m) and replace it with a concrete pipe of 150mm diameter, to a length of 190m. B) Demolish (5) existing masonry manholes. - 1 Type A Manhole; - 4 Type B Manholes. C) Rebuild (5) masonry manholes. - 1 Type A Manhole; - 2 Type B Manholes. D) Build 1 masonry outlet structure at the end of the newly installed pipe. E) Demolish and Rebuild 1 masonry inlet structure. F) Construction of a trapezoidal channel (120m) beginning at the outlet structure mentioned. G) Construct concrete slabs of (18m x 17m x 250mm) & (13m x 25m x 250mm), with thickening beams of (0.25 x 0.25 x 18m) & (0.25 x 0.25 x 13m) respectively. These slabs will be used as the ‘Truck Exit’ and ‘Truck Entry’. - The slabs shall be reinforced with Ref 888 reinforcing mesh and shall have expansion joints. H) Rip & recompact the truck waiting area to a depth of 300mm, (total area: 36m x 65m). I) Rehabilitate the existing 337m long earth channel by grading the surface and making sure to keep to the existing slope. J) Construct a masonry drainage manhole and install a 100mm PVC drainage pipe (10m) which must cross the road and join an existing Manhole. The Manhole must be 1m x 1m with a 200mm concrete cover slab and a grid inlet. (Ausschreibung №101642188de)

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Land: South Africa
Sprache: EN
Nummer: 101642188
Veröffentlichungsdatum: 20-03-2024


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