The Department of Public Enterprise invites service providers to submit a proposal for the following: Provide cleaning and hygiene services inclusive of sanitary; waste management; office fumigation services and provision of consumables of 36 months. (Ausschreibung №105054105de)

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Land: South Africa
Sprache: EN
Nummer: 105054105
Veröffentlichungsdatum: 26-05-2024


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Re-Advertisement of Tender Number: WMM-LM 000900 MS WMM. Bid proposals are hereby invited from suitably qualified and accredited service providers who are interested to submit their proposals to tender for the following project for Winnie Madikizela-Mandela Local Municipality: Maintenance of Solar for 36 months in WMM LM Wards. Scope of work: a. Diagnose problem with solar system and submit or diagnostic for approval and work instruction by project manager; b. Upon approval of diagnostic report proceed to carry out maintenance or repairs as per the approved diagnostic report and issuing of work instruction; c. Issue a maintenance/repair completion certificate with six months guarantee on the maintenance/repaired part; d. Where parts are to be replaced, the service provider is to dispose of the parts in line with all environmental and other applicable regulations. Quelle: ONLINE TENDERS