Re-advertisement of contract number: N36/2023/2024: Thulamela Municipality invites prospective service providers for provision of the following: Branding of municipal refuse removal compactor vehicles. Specifications: Branding of Municipal refuse removal compactor vehicles: - Branding of green and white refuse removal compactor trucks on both sides; - Wording per the design: "Keep Thulamela Clean, We Care! Do you?", and the Thulamela Local Municipality Logo written Thulamela Municipality underneath and the Motto for the Municipality: "We serve with dedication"; - The contacts for the municipality should also be included at the rear end: "015 962 7500"; - The branding should include the following signages: A person throwing litter in the bin and the recycling sign; - Material to be used: Metallic Vinyl (durable and long-lasting material to be used); - Reflective strips should be added as per the design; - NB: Please use the template for guidance; - Service providers should verify the measurements of the compactor trucks to be branded for the quotation. Arrangements for measurements should be made with the Environment and waste management office prior; - Qty: 17 trucks. (Ausschreibung №105241338de)

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Land: South Africa
Sprache: EN
Nummer: 105241338
Veröffentlichungsdatum: 30-05-2024


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