Quotations are hereby invited for the following: Supply, delivery, installation, testing and commissioning of 11 kV equipment between Pretoria and Saulsville. Specifications: Aerial Bundled Conductors (ABC): • Aerial Bundled Conductors (ABC) shall be supplied and installed under bridges. The supplied ABC shall be 12 kV rated to SABS 1339 (adapted) with a minimum cross-sectional area of 70 mm². ABC – 70 mm2 3-core (6.6/11 kV), ABC cable with PVC served galvanized steel wire catenary; • Double back guides shall be installed on both sides of the bridges - one to support the ABC and the other to support the phases. Earthing, Bonding and Surge Suppression: • Before any welding connection, the surface (s) shall be thoroughly prepared as per detailed instructions to ensure a strong and continuous bond. The galvanizing of the structures shall be removed with a grinder, and the surface where the exothermic weld is to be performed should be thoroughly cleaned; • The area where the galvanizing was removed shall be treated with zinc spraying, hot – patch soldering or coated with zinc-rich paint complying with the requirements of SABS 920; • All welded joints shall be “hammer tested” to ensure that the mechanical strength of the joints is sound. Welded joints shall also be painted; • PRASA’s Technical Officer shall inspect and approve the work before any Grading Ring is covered by soil; • Rail continuity Bonds – All joints in the rail shall be bonded with 4 x 96 mm² PVC sheeted steel cables. The continuity bonds shall be bolted to the web of the rail using the expanding collar system. The ends of the bonds shall have lugs crimped to it, which shall then be fastened to the rail using the expanding collar system; • Cross bonds – are applied between various tracks that share the return current. It consists of a 96 mm² PVC sheeted composite bond that is fastened to the web of the rail using the expanding collar system. Cross bonds shall be provided at intervals not exceeding 500 m; • Mast to rail bonds – shall exist in spacing not exceeding 350 m (5 spans). They shall consist of a 2 x 96 mm² PVC sheeted bond that is fastened with WAM Stud and Lug to the mast and fastened to the web of the rail using the expanding collar system. The end bolted to the rail shall have a lug crimped to it, which shall be fastened to the rail with a WAM stud. Where no earth wire is connected to the mast, 4 Mast to rail bonds shall be provided; • Switch Structure – shall be provided with double mast to rail bonds of 96 mm² PVC sheath steel cable; • The bridges may not be connected directly to the “traction earth wire” or to “rail” but shall be connected to rail via spark gap at 2 separate positions. Furthermore, the “dead” side of the 3kV DC insulators shall be insulated from the structure either by means of an additional disc insulator or insulating pads, bushes or washers between the insulator support bracket and the fixing bolts, the insulator support brackets then being connected to rail either directly or via a common earth wire, with two earth paths. Where only one earth cross span exists, a second shall be installed. The earth conductor protecting each set of “live” cross-spans shall be so arranged as to provide a ring connection with dual connections for every earth point; • Spark gaps to be supplied as per specification BBB1616 and installed as indicated on drawing CEE-TU-100; • A 95mm² composite cable shall be supplied and installed for all mast to rail bonds. Rail bonding fasteners shall comply with BBB6017; • Lightning arrestors compliant to specification BBB2141 shall be supplied and installed as per specification BBB2144. 44kV MOD: • Nominal system voltage: 44kV; • Rated current: 800 A; • Frequency: 50Hz; • The control panel for MOD shall be installed inside the substation; • The control panel shall have the local remote switch, closing and opening switches; • The opening and closing switch shall also be on the outside box; • All cabling for the MOD shall be the responsibility of the contractor e.g., cabling required to connect the MOD to the tele-control, trenching for the cable from the substation to the 44kV tower to carry the MOD etc; • The contractor shall supply and install jumpers (200mm² aluminium conductors) together with the clamps and all the associated works; • The MOD shall be provided with a name plate. The name plate shall be weather and rust proof. (Ausschreibung №105884334de)

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Land: South Africa
Sprache: EN
Nummer: 105884334
Veröffentlichungsdatum: 13-06-2024


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