Quotations/bids are hereby invited for the appointment of contractor for repairs and servicing of generators. The purpose of this request for a service provider who will repair and service the generators across the various sections of iSimangaliso Wetland Park of which are as follows: Nhlozi Gate, Bhangazi Gate, Dredger Harbour offices, Bhangazi Bhush Lodge, Sodwana Bay Gate, Cape Vidal, Mshophi Gate, and Ophansi Gate. (Ausschreibung №106021434de)

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Land: South Africa
Sprache: EN
Nummer: 106021434
Veröffentlichungsdatum: 16-06-2024


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Purchasing of a. Electric & Electronics Items (Item by Item Basis). Quelle: Central Procurement Technical Unit

Predhodni postopek za poseg: Fekalna kanalizacija in čistilna naprava Zapotok Quelle: Služba Vlade Republike Slovenije za razvoj in evropsko kohezijsko politiko

Proposals are hereby invited for the following: Grant applicants for NDICI-INTPA Civil Society Organisations. Scope: 1. To promote and protect the enabling environment for civil society to allow CSOs to effectively play their roles in addressing inequality, fostering and deepening democratic accountability; 2. To enable, expand and structure the participation of civil society in policy dialogues in areas of joint interest, underpinning the EU-South Africa strategic partnership; 3. To strengthen the partnership with CSOs to progressively achieve transformational change at the grassroots, addressing intersectional issues related to inequality, unemployment, discrimination and the democratic accountability gap. The specific objective(s): 1. Strengthen the capacities of local and national CSOs, particularly women’s and youth organisations, to engage in the impactful economic inclusion of communities, women and youth in the production, transmission and distribution of clean energy; 2. Contribute to South Africa’s efforts towards reduced carbon emissions by supporting community based innovations and entrepreneurship in green energy and the circular economy; 3. Support sustainable economic growth through the green economy, to reduce inequalities and lead to greater levels of social justice and poverty alleviation, in particular for women and youth. Location: Actions must take place in one or more of the following regions of South Africa: - KwaZulu-Natal, Mpumalanga, Gauteng and Limpopo. Quelle: ONLINE TENDERS

World Bank Group hereby invites Expressions of interest from qualified airlines to participate in the preferred global airline discount program: World Bank Group global preferred airline program. Assignment Location: Global. Please confirm the closing date as it falls on a Saturday. Quelle: ONLINE TENDERS

The U.S. Embassy in Pretoria invites quotations for the following: Supply and delivery of a new right hand drive SUV vehicle for the TSA Agency in the Johannesburg Consulate. Specifications: - Volvo XC60 B6 Geartronic AWD Plus Dark or equivalent, Quantity: 01. The Embassy requires the vehicle to be delivered within 90 days from date of purchase order (PO) issued. Delivery: U.S. Consulate-Johannesburg, 1 Sandton Drive, Cnr Rivonia Road, Sandhurst, Sandton. Please confirm the closing time as it was not published. Quelle: ONLINE TENDERS

Quotations are hereby invited for the following: Implementation of skills programme for Mpumalanga DOE employed beneficiaries. Specifications: The ETDP SETA is looking for public and private training provider(s) to facilitate the implementation of Skills Programmes listed (accredited) in the ETD sector for Mpumalanga DoE employed beneficiaries: - Conduct moderation of outcomes-based assessments, NQF level: 4, Unit standard ID: 115759, Number of credits: 10, Number of learners: 33, Duration of training: 5 days, Districts: Ehlanzeni District - Mbombela; - Mentor a colleague to enhance the individual`s knowledge, skills, values and attitudes in a selected career path, NQF level: 6, Unit standard ID: 114215, Number of credits: 3, Number of learners: 40, Duration of training: 5 days, Districts: Ehlanzeni District - Mbombela; - Total: 73. Quelle: ONLINE TENDERS