Quotations are hereby invited for the appointment of a service provider to develop and implement a Risk Appetite and Tolerance Levels Framework for SASSA. Scope of Work: i. Develop a comprehensive risk appetite and tolerance levels framework for SASSA; ii. Assist in the implementation of the risk appetite and tolerance levels framework for SASSA; iii. The development and implementation of the risk appetite and tolerance levels for SASSA should include but not limited to the following steps: - Step 1: Understand Organizational Objectives and Context; - Step 2: Identify and Prioritize Risks; - Step 3: Define Risk Appetite; - Step 4: Establish Tolerance Levels; iii. Developing a risk appetite and tolerance levels framework for SASSA; iv. Implement a risk appetite and tolerance levels framework for SASSA; v. Communicate the risk appetite and tolerance levels framework; vi. Conduct training and transfer of skills to SASSA Risk Management Department; vii. Monitoring and review process of the risk appetite and tolerance; viii. Produce a report for the development and implementation of the risk appetite and tolerance levels; ix. Write and present reports in line with the project plan that will be developed after the award. Project Location: The SASSA Project Manager will co-ordinate this project and is based at SASSA House, Prodinsa Building, Pretoria, South Africa. The location of the building is Pretorius Street, Pretoria, between Hamilton and Steve Biko Streets. (Ausschreibung №106266038de)

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Teilen Sie dies:
Land: South Africa
Sprache: EN
Nummer: 106266038
Veröffentlichungsdatum: 20-06-2024


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