Bids are hereby invited for the following: Supply and delivery of 100% polyester zip fastening ID pouch, black piping, embroidery and printing customization, white reflective tape x 135. Place where goods, works or services are required: 1035 Tshedimosetso House, Hatfield, Pretoria, 0028. (Ausschreibung №106631009de)

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Land: South Africa
Sprache: EN
Nummer: 106631009
Veröffentlichungsdatum: 27-06-2024


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Quotations are hereby invited for the following: provision of Public Finance Management Act (PFMA) bid committees training/Public sector SCM bid committees training. Scope: Cover the SCM Bid Committee System as it relates to a South African public organization (pitched at NQF Level 6). Amongst others, the participants should be able to: a) Describe how the components of the Supply Chain Management model are applied in the public sector by the end of the course; b) Describe the legislative and/or prescriptive framework (including recent amendments) that governs supply chain management in the public sector; c) Illustrate the value of ethical behaviour for Supply Chain Management practitioners in the public sector and how this affects the behaviour of bid committee members; d) Create a bid invitation (specification/terms of reference) that reflects a fair, transparent, and equitable bid invitation in accordance with National Treasury Regulations and Practice Notes for a specific commodity within the public sector; e) To ensure fairness and compliance, evaluate the bids and put up a written recommendation for the Bid Adjudication Committee to award the bid to a provider in accordance with the bid specification criteria; f) Consider the written submissions from the Evaluation Committee for the determination of bids" fairness, accuracy, and conformity with present id criteria or for the formulation of a resolution to be presented to the appropriate authorities for the award of the bid to a provider; g) Clarity on the rulings of the Supreme Court of Appeal (2 November 2020) and the Constitutional Court (16 February 2022). Understanding the Constitution (217(1)(2) & (3)) and a state organ"s preferential procurement policy, as well as explaining the Preferential Procurement Policy Framework Act (2000); h) Distinguishing the policy implications of an "Acceptable Tender" and functionality within the ambit of the PPPFA; i) The Preference Score policy options for specific goals (the 20 and 10 points); j) The main changes brought about by the PPPFA Regulations; k) Updates to National Treasury"s most recent Preferential Procurement instructions, guidelines, and circulars (including uncertainties and gaps emanating to the changes); l) Strategic and tactical understanding of the effect on functional assessments and thresholds; m) New guidelines for the treatment of "designated and non-designated industries" and local content; n) The effects of B-BBEE certificates and Standard Bid Documents on suppliers and practitioners; o) Selected previous legal PPPFA case studies and how organizations can apply the lessons learnt to the new rules; p) Identify and process irregular expenditure, fruitless and wasteful expenditure and material irregularity; q) Demonstrate an understanding of the functions of the loss control function. Targeted Group: a) Bid Specification, Evaluation or Adjudication Committees as part of a bid process. The training is aimed at all candidates who are Supply Chain Management Officials, Senior Managers, Managers, CFO, CEO, and End Users who operate in cross functional teams as well as specialists in specific fields who are members of the bid committees; b) The total number of staff to be trained is 30; c) Training to be conducted physically at FoodBev SETA offices. Training duration: • The training is expected to last for 1 or 2 days; • The training session must be conducted in a manner that is interactive, accommodative and cognizant to the participant operational requirements. Delivery address: 7 Wessels Road, Rivonia Johannesburg. Quelle: ONLINE TENDERS

Thabazimbi Local Municipality hereby invites suitable service providers to submit bids on the following: Provision of Travel Agency for a period of Three (3) years. Quelle: ONLINE TENDERS

Thabazimbi Local Municipality hereby invites suitable service providers to submit bids on the following: Appointment of panel of attorney"s for a period of Three (3) years. Quelle: ONLINE TENDERS

Information is hereby requested for the following: Development of Commercial Products (e.g. Accommodation, Adventure, Tourist Facilities) within NWPTB Reserves. Opportunities have been identified for accommodation facilities and adventure products in the following protected areas/nature reserves/parks: 1. Baberspan Bird Sanctuary; 2. Bloemhof Dam Nature Reserve; 3. Molemane Eye Nature Reserve; 4. SA Lombard Nature Reserve; 5. Mahikeng Game Reserve; 6. Boskop Dam Nature Reserve; 7. Wolwespruit Nature Reserve; 8. Botsalano Nature Reserve; 9. Vaalkop Dam Nature Reserve; 10. Borakalalo Nature Reserve; 11. Manyane Game Lodge (Mahikeng); 12. Cooke"s Lake. Quelle: ONLINE TENDERS

Proposals are hereby invited for the following: Repair of 15E blower sub-components and testing of 15E motors for the 15E class locomotive fleet for a period of three (3) years on an as and when required basis. Scope: Transnet plans to repair and test the 15E Blower Subcomponents over a period of three (3) years, on an as and when required basis: - Brake Resistor, - Pressurizing Fan, - Combined Cooling Tower, - Traction Blower Motor. Quelle: ONLINE TENDERS

Quotations are hereby invited for the following: Onsite service, calibration and repairs of 3 existing Carl Zeiss Stereo Microscope and inverted microscope and supply spares for Carl Zeiss Microscopes at Analytical Services Hydrobiology Laboratory. Quelle: ONLINE TENDERS