Quotations are hereby invited for the following: Medical equipment, accessories and supplies: Supply of sunscreen. Specifications: - 3,000 each x Sunscreen - type: lotion; size: 200ml; with minimum SPF 50+, UVA and UVB protection; standard: tested to SANS 1557 / Colipa Standard / ISO 24444 and CANSA Sunsmart Choice Certified and bear the seal. Delivery Date: 2024/07/19. Delivery To: Logistics - Ndabeni Store Refreshments & Medical. Delivery Address: 25 Oude Molen Road, Cape Town. (Ausschreibung №106703992de)

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Land: South Africa
Sprache: EN
Nummer: 106703992
Veröffentlichungsdatum: 28-06-2024


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Voller Zugriff
G - Obnova vozišča po postopku hladne reciklaže na cesti RT-919/1341 Podzemelj-Dolenjci od km 5.900 do km 7.200 Quelle: Direkcija Republike Slovenije za infrastrukturo

G - Izgradnja hodnika za pešce ob DC R3-690, odsek 1235 Tržec-Zg. Leskovec, od km 10,130 do km 10,705 Quelle: Direkcija Republike Slovenije za infrastrukturo

Оношлуур урвалж химийн бодис тэжээлт орчин Quelle: Төрийн худалдан авах ажиллагааны цахим систем

Quotations are hereby invited for the following: Fleet: Light and Medium Vehicle Spares: • 1 x CCT34339-clutch master cylinder; • 1 x CCT34339-clutch slave cylinder. Specification: • Reg. No/Type/Model: CCT34339 Nissan NP300 2.5 BH 2019; • Vin No: ADNCPGD22ZR119138; • Notification: 902093341. Delivery Date: 2024/07/26. Delivery to Bellville Workshop. Delivery Address: 33 Bellville Workshop Reed Street, Cape Town. Quelle: ONLINE TENDERS

Quotations are hereby invited for the following: Fleet: Light and Medium Vehicle Spares: Reg. No/type/model: CCT34337 Nissan NP300 2.5 BH 2019: - 8 each x CCT34337 - fly wheel bolts; - 1 each x CCT34337 - thread lock (Loctite) or equivalent; - 1 each x CCT34337 - rear crank shaft seal (OEM) or equivalent; - 1 each x CCT34337 - 5l gearbox oil; - 1 each x CCT34337 - complete clutch kit (OEM) or equivalent. Specifications: - Reg. No/Type/Model: CCT34337 Nissan NP300 2.5 BH 2019 Vin No: ADNCPGD22ZR119142, Notification: 902093429; - Reg. No/Type/Model: CCT34337 Nissan NP300 2.5 BH 2019 Vin No: ADNCPGD22ZR119142, Notification: 902093429; - Reg. No/Type/Model: CCT34337 Nissan NP300 2.5 BH 2019 Vin No: ADNCPGD22ZR119142, Notification: 902093429; - Reg. No/Type/Model: CCT34337 Nissan NP300 2.5 BH 2019 Vin No: ADNCPGD22ZR119142, Notification: 902093429; - Reg. No/Type/Model: CCT34337 Nissan NP300 2.5 BH 2019 Vin No: ADNCPGD22ZR119142, Notification: 902093429. Delivery date: 2024/07/26. Delivery to: Bellville Workshop. Delivery address: 33 Bellville Workshop Reed Street, Cape Town. Quelle: ONLINE TENDERS

Quotations are hereby invited for the following: Fleet: Light and Medium Vehicle Spares: • 1 each x CCT34413 - Thermostat, • 1 each x CCT34413 - Silicone, • 1 each x CCT34413 - Fan Switch, • 1 each x CCT34413 - 2L Anti Freeze. Specifications: • Reg. No/Type/Model: CCT34413, VW Polo 1.4 AK 2019, Vin No: WVWZZZ60ZKT082579, Notification: 902091933. Delivery Date: 2024/07/26. Delivery To: Bellville Workshop. Delivery Address: 33 Bellville Workshop, Reed Street, Cape Town. Quelle: ONLINE TENDERS