An invitation is hereby issued to suitably qualified and experienced service providers to quote for the following: Appointment of a suitably qualified and experienced service provider to render cash collection and handling while in transit services for a period of thirty-six months to MUT. Scope of works: 1. Provide a service of collecting money at Mangosuthu University of Technology three (03) times per week before 12h00 midday in a secure vehicle, 2. Take custody of the money in their possession after collection, deliver the money to ABSA bank, and supply an official receipt, 3. The Company must supply equipment where money can be safely recurred until delivered to the bank, 4. Money must be collected from the Mangosuthu premises and taken to ABSA bank in Westville, 5. A service schedule must be agreed upon and service fees set out accordingly, 6. Stop loss bags that are tamper proof, sealed plastic bags, must be supplied to Mangosuthu University of Technology, 7. The company shall collect, convey, store and deliver the money in accordance with its operating methods, 8. Collection, storage and delivery must be made using stop loss bags and sealed containers, 9. Mangosuthu University of Technology must be able to identify the employees of the company before handing over the money, 10. The agreement between the two (2) parties must be governed and interpreted according to the laws of South Africa, 11. The service provider will be liable for any loss due to negligence or due to failure by its personnel to carry out their assigned duties and/or implement standard operating procedures, 12. The service provider must provide insurance against loss of money caused by an armed robbery, negligence or dishonesty of its employees. (Ausschreibung №107267609de)

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Land: South Africa
Sprache: EN
Nummer: 107267609
Veröffentlichungsdatum: 11-07-2024


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