Tenders are hereby invited for the following: Supply Cloudflare services to the University of Pretoria. Scope: The University of Pretoria is actively using Cloudflare Enterprise edition for DDoS Protection as well as other security-related services are also in use. Other features used include Caching and Reporting. The University is inviting the prospective Vendor to conduct the management of the security services, which includes, e.g. the managed rule sets, page rules and WAF, Protection of trademarks, SSL management, various configurations eg; SSL"s, CNAME Records, Performance related Services optimization: a) License renewal on a year-on-year basis (Billed Monthly) — based on existing account configuration; b) Bot management addon costs (optional) - annual cost, renewable Cloudflare Bot Management addon; c) Monthly Reporting, annual cost, renewable Monthly utilisation reports and advice/recommendations on other Cloudflare features that can be utilized and/or improved upon; d) Ad Hoc support requirements - provide a price for your hourly rates, annual cost, renewable. 2. Current Services Provided by Cloudflare Directly; 3. The University of Pretoria wishes to sign a contract for a period of one year with the option to renew year-on-year for a maximum of another four years (reviewed on annual basis). (Ausschreibung №107993911de)

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Land: South Africa
Sprache: EN
Nummer: 107993911
Veröffentlichungsdatum: 24-07-2024


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