Re-advertisement: Quotations are hereby invited for the following: Repairs on passenger lifts for Transnet Port Terminals, Richards Bay. Scope of work: The service provider is required to repair, service and conduct an annual service on the two lifts listed as follows: 1. Hydraulic Elevator (Paraplegic Lift) Mkhombe Building: a. Replace wire rope and damaged sheave wheels; b. Replace hydraulic cylinder seal; c. Service hydraulic pump motor; d. Conduct a load test; e. Replace the light and light bulbs; f. Conduct cleaning in the electrical panel to remove all the dust in the panel; g. Conduct testing in the electrical wires for any loss connection and short circuit; h. Inspect all the hydraulic line for leaks and conduct testing on the hydraulic cylinders; i. Conduct testing on the hydraulic motor/pump; j. Conduct inspection on the car traveling wheels, traveling rail; k. Use recommended grease to lubricate the car traveling rails and wheels; l. Install new safety stop buffers; m. Source drawings and Annexure K for the paraplegic lift; n. Test and commission the paraplegic lift. 2. Electric Elevator (OTIS) CCR Building: a. Service drive; b. Conduct a load test; c. Replace worn out sheave wheels; d. Replace all light tubes/light bulbs; e. Conduct fault finding and rectify all faults in the system; f. Conduct cleaning in the electrical panel and motor; g. Conduct inspection the Wire rope, car traveling wheel and rail; h. Conduct annual service to the lift (inspection, lubrication and testing); i. Compile a list of all spares used in the lift; j. Test and commission the passenger lift. 3. Common work for both Lifts: a. Check the counterweight and service; b. Check both counterweight and car guide rails clean and lubricate; c. Check the control circuit wiring and clean; d. Lubricate, clean the pulley and sheaves and lubricate; e. Check the door operator and service; f. Check all bolts and nuts in the system, remove all rusted bolts and lubricate the bolts that are still in good condition with a coper compound; g. Check the entire system of rust, cracks and defects. (Ausschreibung №108301964de)

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Land: South Africa
Sprache: EN
Nummer: 108301964
Veröffentlichungsdatum: 30-07-2024


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