Quotations are hereby invited for the following: Fencing of outdoor generator in Molteno Wastewater Treatment Works. Scope: CHDM has a pile of unused palisade fence at the Molteno Wastewater treatment Works that needs to be refurbished and installed/erected to the to secure a generator at the Molteno Water Treatment Pumpstation: • Service provider will need to collect the necessary number of palisades needed from the Waste Water Treatment Works to the Molteno Water Treatment Pumpstation; • The yard to be erected is 5000mm x 3500mm with four corners; • Service provider must build a 2000mm wide sliding gate; • Service provider will need to paint the palisade with first coat Red Oxide steel primer & final paint which is green; • Service provider will need cement for the four corner pillars; • Service provider will have to weld the palisade to fence the stated yard; • Service provider must bring own generator to weld; • Service provider to-supply laminated padlock. (Ausschreibung №108361954de)

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Land: South Africa
Sprache: EN
Nummer: 108361954
Veröffentlichungsdatum: 31-07-2024


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Firewall болон Антивирусын программын 1 жилийн эрх Quelle: Төрийн худалдан авах ажиллагааны цахим систем

Supply of Filters and Control Head of dialysis ROs for AKU & ARK Quelle: Tender Board - Kingdom of Bahrain

Medical Insurance Services for TRA Employees Quelle: Tender Board - Kingdom of Bahrain

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Proposals are hereby invited for the following: Engineering and construction management services for the projects at various port terminals for Transnet Soc Ltd operating as Transnet Port Terminals for a period of three (3) years. Staff required: Office Based: 1. Principals / Directors; 2. Senior Consultant; 3. Engineering and Project Managers; 4. Associates and Consultants; 5. Specialists and Supervisors; 6. Senior Engineers and Technologists; 7. Engineers; 8. Candidate Engineers; 9. Senior Technologists; 10. Technologists; 11. Designers and Technicians; 12. Junior Designers and Technicians; 13. Draughtsmen; 14. Project Support Technicians; 15. NEC Project Manager; 16. Cost Engineer; 17. Planner; 18. Construction Manager; 19. Project Support Co-ordinator; 20. Safety Agent; 21. Safety Officer; 22. Environmental Specialist (as per SACNASP definition); 23. Environmental Officer (as per SACNASP definition); 24. Quality Officer; 25. Project Administrator; 26. Risk Management Officer; 27. Contract Administrator; Construction Management (Site based): 30. Resident Engineer; 31. Quantity Surveyor; 32. Cost Engineer; 33. Planner; 34. Construction Manager; 35. Project Support Co-ordinator; 36. Safety Agent; 37. Safety Officer; 38. Environmental Officer; 39. Quality Officer; 40. Site Supervisor / (NEC3 Supervisor); 41. Clerk of Works; 42. Project Administrator; 43. Project Support Co-ordinator. Quelle: ONLINE TENDERS

Quotations are hereby invited for the following: Supply and delivery of uniform for Facilities Division. Delivery of the required items: National Lotteries Commission, 333 Grosvenor Street Block D Hatfield, Gardens Hatfield, 0075. Quelle: ONLINE TENDERS