The City of uMhlathuze requests quotations for the following: V0348: Carry out COF repairs, qty: 1. Scope of work: - Vehicle number and registration: V0348-NRB 83986, - VIN number: AAMMC61018PX32487, - Vehicle description: MAN CLA 26.280 Tipper Truck 6 x 4, - Year model: 2015, - Requisition reference number: SC 10088237. Specification: 1. Secure prop shaft bolts, 2. Supply and fit missing gearbox bolts, 3. Repair oil leak on bougie hub, 4. Secure load body bolts, 5. Repair load body brackets, 6. Skim brake drums x 6, 7. Reline brake shoes x 12, 8. Repair front doors to open and close, 9. Supply front mud guard, 10. Supply and fit wiper blades, 11. Supply and fit air dryer, 12. Perform major service, 13. Secure exhaust system, 14. Remove rust from chassis and paint black, 15. Clean and wash vehicle, 16. Retest and obtain certificate, 17. Vehicle to be completed within 07 days of receiving the PO. Warranty of 12 months on quality of spares used and quality skill of workmanship should be delivered together with vehicle. (Ausschreibung №109920058de)

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Land: South Africa
Sprache: EN
Nummer: 109920058
Veröffentlichungsdatum: 28-08-2024


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