Quotations are hereby invited for the following: Geotechnical testing services on a failed embankment slope at KM 118 Moolman track section along the coal line within the Piet-Retief regional area. Scope of work: The detailed geotechnical investigation is to be conducted on the ±7m high embankment shoulder at two affected sections alongside the single railway track (Line 1). Section 1 is located between km 118/2 and km 118/3, totaling a length of ±40 km, while Section 2 is between km 118/4 and km 118/5, with an approximate total length of 60 km. The site is situated at Moolman, between Piet Retief and Vryheid along Line 1. The GPS coordinates of the site are 27°07"45.5"S, 30°51"22.0"E. The site investigation is required for the following: - Identification of the root cause of the slope failure to provide a proper engineering solution to repair the affected embankment slope sections at km 118, Moolman railway track. The work to be done includes: 2.1.1 In-situ testing with Dynamic Probing Super Heavy (DPSH) at six and nine indicated testing positions for Section 1 (40 km long section between km 118/2 and km 118/3) and Section 2 (60 km long section between km 118/4 and km 118/5), respectively, up to refusal at all designated positions. There will be 6 holes at Section 1 and 9 holes at Section 2. 2.1.2 Auger testing for soil profiling and sampling up to refusal, which will be handed over to the Geotechnical Engineer (Track Technology). There will be 3 auger tests at Section 1 and 6 auger tests at Section 2. The final location, quantities, and initiation of additional tests will be determined by Transnet – Track Technology geotechnical engineer. (Ausschreibung №113334824de)

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Land: South Africa
Sprache: EN
Nummer: 113334824
Veröffentlichungsdatum: 01-11-2024


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Үндэсний бахархалт амьтан Мазаалай баавгайн амьдрах орчныг сайжруулах зорилгоор хөв цөөрөм байгуулж био техникийн арга хэмжээ авах Quelle: Төрийн худалдан авах ажиллагааны цахим систем

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A panel of competent and experienced service providers are hereby invited for the supply and delivery of teaching and learning stationery (all campuses) - for a period of three years. Quelle: ONLINE TENDERS

Tenders are hereby invited for the microbiological analysis of water samples, swabs and foodstuffs by an accredited laboratory for the period ending 30 June 2027. Specifications: 1. Bottled water samples which must be analysed to determine microbiological counts in terms of the GNR 692 of 16 May 1997- Regulations governing Microbiological Standards for foodstuffs and related matters, 2. Food samples which must be analysed to determine microbiological counts in terms of the Foodstuffs, Cosmetics and Disinfectants Act 1972, Act No 54 of 1972 and Regulations Governing Microbiological Standards for Foodstuffs and Related Matters (R.692 of 16 May 1997), 3. Swab samples which must be analysed in terms of the Foodstuffs, Cosmetics and Disinfectants Act 1972, Act No 54 of 1972 and R 638 Regulations Governing General Hygiene Requirements for Food Premises, The Transport of Food and Related Matters, 22 June 2018, 4. Drinking water samples which must be analysed to determine microbiological counts in terms of the SANS 241:2015 Drinking Water specifications, 5. Recreational Water samples which must be analysed in terms of South African Water Quality Guidelines Vol 2 Recreational Use, 6. Payments will only be processed on receipt of invoice and sample results, 7. The Tender period will be from the date of appointment until the 30 June 2027. Quelle: ONLINE TENDERS