Bids are hereby invited for the hiring of a sanitation truck. Specifications: - Vacuum Tanker (Sanitation) Truck - 6000 Lt - round tank made from 3 CR 12 metal, - Hire period: 30 days, - Number required: 3 (three) only, a) Photo of the truck to be attached to quote, b) Truck to have a valid license disk and a valid Certificate of Fitness (COF), c) Photo of valid license disk to be attached to quote, d) Weekends and public holidays to be included, e) Wet rate, fuel, driver and insurance costs to be included, f) Driver’s accommodation to be included, g) In the case of down time of the truck, monies will be deducted, or extra time will be required to be worked, h) Driver must have a valid driver’s license and a valid PDP (copies of both documents must be attached to quotation documentation), i) Maximum of eight hours a day, from 07h30 to 16h30, j) Only one award will be made per truck per service provider. (Ausschreibung №113341054de)

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Land: South Africa
Sprache: EN
Nummer: 113341054
Veröffentlichungsdatum: 01-11-2024


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Re-advertisement: The Municipality hereby invites reputable and well experienced service providers to submit tenders for the construction of conventional toilets in various wards. Please confirm the closing date as two were published. Quelle: ONLINE TENDERS

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Tenders are hereby invited for Booster Pump. Quelle: ONLINE TENDERS

Quotations are hereby invited for stationery for EPWP Unit. Specifications: - Think 1.0 ball point pen (Q4-BK, black); - Think 1.0 ball point pen (Q4-BK, blue); - Think 1.0 ball point pen (Q4-BK, red); - Colour triangular ball point pens; - Clutch pencil refills; - HB pencils; - Pencil sharpeners; - Glue stick, 50g; - Pilot spotliter highlighters; - Eraser; - Sellotape, 48mm x 66mm, transparent packaging tape; - Yellow folders, file, medium weight files, 20 in a pack; - Scissors; - Prestick, 100g; - A4 arch lever files; - Elastic rubber bands, large (size 128); - Post it; - Message pads (Stick"n Cube); - Counter book, 3 quire, hard cover, 288 pages, A4; - Stapler; - 50mm, 100pc giant paper clips; - Flip charts, paper; - Fold back clips, 15mm; - Fold back clips, 19mm; - Fold back clips, 25mm. Quelle: ONLINE TENDERS

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Quotations are hereby invited for the following: Catering: Farewell for G Daniels. Please note that this quotation was published late. Quelle: ONLINE TENDERS