Proposals are hereby invited for the provision of cleaning at Transnet Engineering Koedoespoort and Diesel Depot Koedoespoort for a period of 36 months. (Ausschreibung №113790068de)

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Land: South Africa
Sprache: EN
Nummer: 113790068
Veröffentlichungsdatum: 09-11-2024


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Voller Zugriff
 Objeto: Preg Quelle:

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Komenda Wojewódzka Policji w Poznaniu – modernizacja węzła cieplnego oraz pomieszczeń sanitarnych wraz z wymianą pionów kanalizacyjnych w budynku Wydziału Łączności i Informatyki Quelle:

Przebudowa pozostałej części budynku Powiatowego Inspektoratu Weterynarii w Zambrowie przy ul. Polowej 21 Quelle:

Extension of closing date: The Coega Development Corporation (CDC) is inviting capable and competent contractors with proven experience and a track record in EPC/turnkey projects to submit their bids for the design and construction of the Ford outbound logistics sequencing facility on Phase 2 of the Tshwane Automotive Special Economic Zone, located in The Willows 340-JR, known as Samcor Park X10, Pretoria. High-level scope of work: The project will constitute the following main activities: - Completion of an EPC/turnkey contract for the design and construction of the Ford outbound logistics sequencing facility on Phase 2 of the Tshwane Automotive Special Economic Zone. - Preparation of concepts for approval by the client, employer, employer’s representative, and end user. - Submission of design information, within agreed timelines, for approval by the client, employer, employer’s representative, and end user before construction proceeds. - Design and construction of the bulk earthworks platform (cut and fill) to construct access roads and parking areas. - Design and construction of the main sequencing logistics facility top structure and associated offices, canteens, ablution areas, mezzanines, stores, storage and delivery areas, CCTV control rooms, etc., as per client, employer, and end user’s requirements. Note: Tenant fit-out will not form part of the scope of work for the main contractor; however, all enabling works for these items will be the responsibility of the team bidding on this RFP. - Design and construction of all bulk utility services both internally and externally up to the connection points at the erf boundary. - Design and construction of a secured facility, landscaping, guard houses, turnstile access gate, main gates with access controls, roads, hardstands, etc., as per employer, client, and end user’s requirements. Note: The anticipated total size of the development is approximately 60,000 sqm on approximately 120,000 sqm land area. The project is to be completed within 10 months from the Commencement Date. Quelle: ONLINE TENDERS