Tenders are hereby invited to supply and install air conditioners at Bertha Gxowa and Thelle Mogoerane. (Ausschreibung №115081334de)

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Land: South Africa
Sprache: EN
Nummer: 115081334
Veröffentlichungsdatum: 29-11-2024


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Voller Zugriff
Proposals are hereby invited for the establishment of a panel of pre-qualified service providers to render transport services for the Department of Sport Arts Culture and Recreation for the fixed period of 36 months. Required at: a) Sedibeng (South Region); b) Tshwane (North Region); c) Johannesburg (Central Region); d) West Rand (West Region); e) Ekurhuleni (East Region). Quelle: ONLINE TENDERS

Tenders are hereby invited from suppliers/contractors to do renovations at Geelbek Ablutions, WCNP. Quelle: ONLINE TENDERS

Formal written price quotations are hereby invited from a supplier/contractor to do thatch roof for Over-All at Geelbek Stables, WCNP. Quelle: ONLINE TENDERS

Re-Advertisement of Contract Number RE-CRES/NGR/001/07/2024: Tenders/Proposals are hereby invited for appointment of a turnkey contractor for the refurbishment of Kopanong Station in the North Gauteng Region. Quelle: ONLINE TENDERS

Quotations are hereby invited for roof maintenance at Vereeniging Pumping Station. Scope of work: 1) Lime plant canteen: - Roof is leaking on the sides of the entire building of the canteen; - The supplier should remove entire roof sheeting of the building; - Supply and install new long timbers sufficient length to cover the entire side of the building; - Replace the roof sheeting, under eaves and soffits; - Replace all damaged ceiling boards; - Clean all gutters and unblock down pipes; - Replace or repair all under eaves, soffits and fascia boards; - The total roof measurements: 25 meters x 17 meters. 2) Engine room 4: - The suspended ceiling inside engine room 4 is very dirty with spider webs; - Clean the entire suspended ceiling; - Repair leaking roof and replace damaged ceiling in HP pumps; - The total measurements for HP pump: 10 m x 8 m; - Repair leaking roof and damaged ceiling boards at LP side; - The roof is too high +- 30 meters. 3) WP1 Shiftiest: - The roof is leaking at the shiftiest, seal all leaking roof sheeting; - Replace where necessary; - Replace damaged ceiling boards and paint with PVA; - Paint the entire roof to match existing colours; - Clean all gutters and unblock down pipes; - Replace or repair all under eaves, soffits and fascia boards; - The total roof measurements: 25 meters x 39 meters. 4) Rec club: - Roof is leaking inside of the Rec Club and Ladies Bar; - Remove the whole roof sheeting and timbers; - Supply and install new timbers and roof tiles. Rec Club (Measurements: 3 m x 20 m); - Repair collapsing suspended ceiling at the entrance of the Rec Club; - The measurements for Ladies Bar: 26 m x 17 m; - Repair the leaking roof at the veranda, the Bowling side; - Supply and install new roof sheeting; - Supply and install new wooden ceiling to match the existing ceiling; - The total measurements for bowling side: 4 m x 20 m; - Clean all gutters and unblock down pipes; - Replace or repair all under eaves, soffits and fascia boards. 5) Electrical workshop: - The entire roof is leaking at electrical workshop; - Replace and repair all roof sheeting; - Supply and install all damaged gutters and down pipes; - Replace all damaged ceiling and paint with PVA - Paint the entire roof to match the existing colour; - Replace or repair all under eaves, soffits and fascia boards; - The total measurement for the workshop: 45 m x 40 m. Quelle: ONLINE TENDERS

Tenders are hereby invited for a supplier/contractor to carry out bathroom renovations at staff houses, WCNP. Quelle: ONLINE TENDERS