Suitable and capable service providers are invited to bid to supply, install, setup and maintain internet line and related services for a period of 24 months. Specifications: 2 x Laptop: - Processor - Core i7; - Hard drive - 500GB; - 14” Screen; - VPRO; - Windows 10 Pro OEM; - 32GB RAM; - Integrated HDMI port; - Integrated LAN port or External LAN Port; - WIFI a/b/g/n; - LTE -Advanced, Fibocom LTE/HSPA. Associated Accessories: - 2 x Charger/ Power cable; - 2 x Laptop Backpack (equivalent to Targus professional backpack); - 2 x Wireless mouse + batteries; - 2 x RJ45 to Type C Converter; - 2 x 3-year onsite warranty on laptop. (Ausschreibung №115293963de)

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Land: South Africa
Sprache: EN
Nummer: 115293963
Veröffentlichungsdatum: 04-12-2024


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S - Elaborat pasivne PHZ za stavbe ob cesti G1-2/0249 Ptuj–Spuhlja in ob cesti R1-228/1291 Spuhlja–Zavrč Quelle: Direkcija Republike Slovenije za infrastrukturo

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Бизнес лоунжийн өргөтгөл Quelle: Төрийн худалдан авах ажиллагааны цахим систем

Цогтцэций сумын Онцгой байдлын газрын албан хаагчдын ажиллах, амьдрах орчин нөхцөлийг сайжруулах Quelle: Төрийн худалдан авах ажиллагааны цахим систем

Suitable and capable service providers are invited for the appointment of a service provider for the supply and delivery of cleaning material. Specifications: - Superkleen or equivalent highly concentrated floor, wall, and hard surface cleaner, thick, 1lt; - Pine gel or equivalent, pine gel for cleaning floors and removes grease and oil, thick, 1lt; - Jik or equivalent, whitens and removes stains kills 99,9% of gems & viruses, 750ml; - Mop for office, big and strong; - Broom for office, soft and strong; - Floor polish for buff and shine, 1lt; - Toilet papers, 2 ply, pack of 48, each roll contains 350 sheets, dermatologically tested; - Toilet papers, 1 ply, pack of 48, roll contains 350 sheets, dermatologically tested; - Handy Andy or equivalent dirt & grease removal cream, 100% natural cleaning particles, 750ml; - Sunlight original dishwashing liquid or equivalent with real lemon, 750ml; - Deo blocks for toilets, buckets of 5lt; - Duck or equivalent for toilet, cleaner, thick; - Furniture polish, 750ml. Quelle: ONLINE TENDERS

Re-advertisement of contract number: Q12/1028 OF 24/25. The client hereby invites suitably experienced tenderers to submit quotations for the following: Supply, delivery and assembling of office furniture to project management office. Please note that this quotation was published late. Quelle: ONLINE TENDERS