Addendum: Amendment to Tender Documents: Bids are hereby invited for the Establishment of a panel of CIDB graded contractors for a period of five years. Scope of work: Extent of the works: i. The work envisaged will include the following possible Clients and will cover all 9 provinces in South Africa: • National Departments, • Provincial Departments, • Local Government (metros and municipality) Departments. ii. Key Areas of Focus: Health, Education, Housing, Water & Sanitation, Transport and Municipalities. (Ausschreibung №115449461de)

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Land: South Africa
Sprache: EN
Nummer: 115449461
Veröffentlichungsdatum: 05-12-2024


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Addendum: Amendment to Tender Document: Proposals are hereby invited for the development of an accreditation strategy and standardized accreditation guidelines for student housing infrastructure programme as per specifications. The objectives of the proposed standardized accreditation guidelines is as follows: • Propose a uniform guidelines, consistent and complementary to the Policy on Minimum Norms and Standards for Student Housing at Public Universities, to be adopted by the entire PSET sector, including but not limited to PSET institutions, NSFAS, students, private sector and financial institutions among others; • The guidelines should ensure a simplified and transparent contractual arrangements among the PSET institutions, NSFAS and student housing providers; • Guidelines to provide clear instructions for uniform grading structure between the NSFAS and the PSET institutions and the grading parameters which will be linked to the rental; • Monitoring guidelines, once the facility has been accredited; • Implementation approach to minimise the disruption and capitation to PSET institutions require assistance with the accreditation process and to monitor the accredited facilities, and also alignment of the NSFAS system. Accreditation is currently de-centralized to individual PSET institutions. The NSFAS3 proposes the deployment of service providers to assess the state of accommodation registered on the portal for purposes of accreditation; • Consider a need to have the independent accreditation entity and advise on the merit thereof and; • Advise on current legal framework in respect of accreditation. Quelle: ONLINE TENDERS