Addendum: Extension of Closing Date: Quotations are hereby requested for the appointment of a service provider to conduct a coal market intelligence study for the Port of Richards Bay over a period of six (6) months. Scope of services: The coal market study is intended to gather intelligence on projected short, medium- and long-term market conditions and anticipated shift to direct investment on strategic port infrastructure associated with handling of coal as a commodity. The coal market study is expected to be delivered over 6 months period and will be used as a base to either uncover new markets, drive market expansion, minimise investment risk, gain advantage over competitors or as a tool to expand the port’s market share. Over and the listed benefits, the study will further help the port in achieving the following: • Capital planning and allocation for growth projects; • Alignment of the port investment plan to changing coal market conditions; • Decision making in relation to diversification of commodities by the ports (if needed); and • Optimisation of available assets (i.e. minimising whole-life cycle cost) as well as sustainable infrastructure development. (Ausschreibung №115657384de)

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Land: South Africa
Sprache: EN
Nummer: 115657384
Veröffentlichungsdatum: 09-12-2024


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