Proposals are hereby invited for the following: Provision of funding solutions. Scope: Eskoms Funding Plan seeks to diversify funding sources and execute cost effective funding at acceptable risk. The execution of the Funding Plan requires sizeable funding that can provide diversification and longer tenors at reduced finance costs. The funding solutions should be cognisant of the following: 1. Eskom has other funding mechanisms, however if a funding proposal of merit and substance is received through this RFP, Eskom will be willing to ring-fence and execute this proposal in parallel to Eskom’s existing funding mechanisms. 2. The financing solutions may not contravene any loan covenants of Eskom. 3. Eskom will be sensitive to any solution that involves equity in Eskom. 4. Solutions that involve Export Credit Agency framework-based loan financing and Development Finance Institutions vanilla loan financing will not be considered. 5. The financing solutions should involve reputed organisations and institutions with funding track records. 6. If the funding solution is found to have merit and substance, the funding model should be implementable within a reasonable period. An implementation timetable should be provided. Priority for immediate execution will be given to mature solutions that require shorter implementation periods. (Ausschreibung №73679143de)

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Land: South Africa
Sprache: EN
Nummer: 73679143
Veröffentlichungsdatum: 17-11-2022


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