Addendum: Amendment to Disqualifying Criteria. Bids/Proposals are invited for: Appointment of a suitably qualified service provider to undertake an evaluation study on the implementation of the City’s Separation at Source (S@S) programme in the City of Johannesburg. (Ausschreibung №75002008de)

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Land: South Africa
Sprache: EN
Nummer: 75002008
Veröffentlichungsdatum: 06-12-2022


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Voller Zugriff
Quotations are hereby invited for the following: Repairs to tar road. Specifications: - Cut and make good to existing Tar; - Supply and install concrete kerbs (1m x 0.15m thick x 0.3m); - Supply and Lay G5; - Compact area; - Apply bitumen (Cationic); - Grade and Level the area; - Lay Asphalt (2 layers of 25mm); - Remove spoil material/rubble. Please confirm the contract number as two contract numbers were published. Quelle: ONLINE TENDERS

Quotations are hereby invited for the following: Supply and Delivery of Shade Netting. Delivery address: Agricultural Research Council, Soil Climate and Water, 600 Belvedere Street, Arcadia. Please note that this quotation was published late. Quelle: ONLINE TENDERS

Quotations are hereby invited from eligible and interested companies, consortium or joint ventures for the appointment of service provider to supply, handle and deliver 40 x 20l Calcium Hypochlorite (HTH) for Tubatse Water Purification Plant. Quelle: ONLINE TENDERS

Erratum: Amendment to Tender Documents. Bids/Proposals are invited for: Appointment of a suitably qualified service provider to undertake an evaluation study on the implementation of the City’s Separation at Source (S@S) programme in the City of Johannesburg. Please note that this bid/proposal was published late. Quelle: ONLINE TENDERS

Re-advertisement: Bids are hereby invited for the following: Disposable of land: Erf 6453, Kuruman - Current Zoning: Business Zone – 2.5ha. Quelle: ONLINE TENDERS

Quotations are hereby invited for the following: Stationery & office accessories: Cartridge - brand: Lexmark; part number: T650A11E or OEM certified equivalent (Certification to be provided from the OEM of the original device); colour: Black; for printer: T650, T652, T654, T654 series; yield: 7,000 pages; specifications: Return Programme. Delivery Date: 2023/01/10, Delivery To: Civic Centre: Ground Floor Materials Store, Delivery Address: 12 Hertzog Boulevard, Cape Town. Please note that this quotation was published late. Quelle: ONLINE TENDERS