Applications are hereby invited for the following: Communications/Multi Media Services. Scope of work, activities and tasks: Under the direct supervision of the Project Manager, the Communications / Multi-Media Services shall perform the following tasks: 1. Come up with project inception report with a time-framed project’s plan, which will include: advising the ENGF on relevant media materials relevant for the project. Capacity building of volunteer data collectors. her/his schedule of conducting data collection (on-site audio and visual data capturing). 2. Manage Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and social media. C. Set up You Tube and Podcasts. 4. Maximise social media presence through Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram. 5. Digitise most of the interviews conducted and data collected. 6. Promote the social media content of the project, using digital technologies. 7. Manage the social media platforms and website for social media activities. 8. Update the website regularly with compelling content. 9. Explore different virtual meeting platforms such as Zoom, Microsoft Teams, Google Hangouts, Skype, Google Meet, Cisco Webex to establish suitability, offerings, and cost effectiveness for the project. 10. Archive the project’s information and tools, research data, policy documents and audio-visual materials. The duration of the assignment will be for three (3) months: January to 31 March 2023. Please note that this application was published late. (Ausschreibung №77619220de)

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Land: South Africa
Sprache: EN
Nummer: 77619220
Veröffentlichungsdatum: 10-02-2023


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