Quotations are hereby invited for the following: Career Development. It is requested that SCM obtain quotations from service providers that are categorized as Career Management Services to assist the Human Resource Unit with the following: A. Use the organisational structure, capabilities, technical and soft competencies, and job profiles to map the consolidate the organisational skills profile including the employee’s professional aspirations and competence available career paths organisational requirement. B. Have one on one with all staff (100) to facilitate an Individual assessment (information about self). C. Arrange a discussion between the manager and the employee to jointly attempt to clarify developmental options in the employee’s current job, examine career issues considering current job performance and goals of the organisation and to clarify future career options. D. Identify competency gaps and discuss possible interventions to address the gaps. Develop an individual readiness and personal development plan for the current role and future career. E. Develop an organisational report based on all individual profile and readiness vs current roles and career aspirations against organisational capabilities. F. Engage the employees on the PDP and offer 4 individuals follow up session on development progress. G. During all times the purpose is for the transfer of skill to take place and upskilling of the existing Human Capital workforce is priority. (Ausschreibung №77766125de)

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Land: South Africa
Sprache: EN
Nummer: 77766125
Veröffentlichungsdatum: 13-02-2023


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