The CDC is inviting capable and competent Contractors for upgrades and additions at Doon Heights Primary School, Doon Heights, in Umlazi District, KwaZulu-Natal. The project scope includes the renovations and repairs to existing facilities which include Administration block; Three and fourstory classroom blocks; Ablution blocks; School-hall; (External Facilities) Parking Area; and Sports ground facilities. In each of these facilities, the works will comprise of removal of asbestos including replacement of roof structure, roof tiles and rain water goods; Replacement and installation of floor tiles; Replacement of existing windows, ceilings and repainting of internal walls; Upgrade of sanitary fittings in the ablution blocks; Upgrade of existing electrical fittings and services (Lightning protection for all existing buildings will be provided for in accordance with the requirements of SANS); Upgrade of existing mechanical works and services; Upgrade of existing joinery fittings; Upgrade of ablution facilities; Upgrade of existing fire protection, potable water, foul drainage and other mechanical existing services such as Air conditioning. All blocks of the site will incorporate the following into the electrical installation: All socket outlets, isolators (stove and solar water heater), light switches, fan switches and the distribution board will be flush mounted. This will be incorporated including the requirements as per SANS 164-2; LED lighting will be utilized throughout the project to achieve the desired lux levels in the various area as well create better efficiency; Outdoor security lighting will consist of LED flood lights placed around the buildings and switched by a day -night light switch. Further to this, the external facilities upgrades will include Upgrade of existing stormwater reticulation and services; Upgrade of existing fence; Upgrade to existing covered walkways; Repairs to spalling concrete, cracks and expansion joints; Replacement of corroded handrails and Replacement of existing airbricks. The contract period shall be 18 (Eighteen) calendar months from date of handover of site, including annual builders’ holidays. (Ausschreibung №80969611de)

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Land: South Africa
Sprache: EN
Nummer: 80969611
Veröffentlichungsdatum: 24-03-2023


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