Re-advertisement: Quotations are hereby invited for the following: provision of hiring of tyre servicing equipment for Transnet SOC Ltd operating as Transnet Port Terminals at the Port of Richards Bay. Scope: hiring heavy duty air impact wrench, air compressor and gas cutting set for 3 months to the Port of Richards Bay: • Heavy duty 1-inch impact wrench set x 1; • Heavy duty Air Compressor set x 2; • Heavy duty gas cutting set x 1. Please confirm the contract number as two were published. (Ausschreibung №82492626de)

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Land: South Africa
Sprache: EN
Nummer: 82492626
Veröffentlichungsdatum: 19-04-2023


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Voller Zugriff
Hansestadt Lübeck, Grundinstandsetzung Salzspeicher, Tragwerksplanung Quelle: iTWO tender

[0377/22] Anbudsinbjudan inom DIS avseende truckar: Inköp av motviktstruck Quelle: kommers

Mitarbeiter:innenmagazin Quelle: PROVIA bieterportal

Erratum: Please note that the briefing session details have been corrected: Ba-Phalaborwa Municipality hereby invites suitable professional services providers to the following in the Ba-Phalaborwa Municipality of the Mopani District in Limpopo Province: Appointment of a service provider to co-source internal audit services for a period of three years. Quelle: ONLINE TENDERS

Umzumbe Local Municipality hereby invites quotations for the following: Supply and delivery of skip bins. Scope: Supply and delivery of 3 skip bins for domestic and industrial waste. These refuse skip containers must be constructed to enable the upliftment of them by means of a skip-loader truck or refuse compactor. The specifications for the construction of the containers are as follows: • 6 Cubic meters refuse skip containers; • Materials 3.0 ms Rt; • Folded corners edges; • Full strengthening space welded (Heavy Duty Welding); • Fit EN8 lifting lugs x 4 per skip to make sure that the existing infrastructure allows for lifting; • Pins to be 2.1m centres; • Fit rear offloading skip lugs; • Fit rear reflective tape; • Water Drainage holes are required; • Colour of Paint: entire unit to be primed with rust paint and exterior to be painted dark green; • Container must have the Umzumbe logo on either side. Delivery Address: Umzumbe offices. Quelle: ONLINE TENDERS

Quotations are hereby invited for the following: Supply of 120 reflective vests. Specifications: - Reflective tape on chest, shoulder and back, standard layout of 2 horizontal hoops around waist and loops over shoulders; - Clear and black top entry ID pouch; - Colours must be lime and navy; - Woven mesh polyester; - Black polyester binding; - Nylon zip with metal slider; - 50mm PVC (poly vinyl chloride) white reflective tape. Please note that this quotation was published late. Quelle: ONLINE TENDERS