Quotations are hereby invited for the following: Supply and delivery of oils. Specifications: 1. Hydraulic Oil SAE10 210L x 10; 2. Diesel Engine Oil SAE40 210L x 03; 3. Transmission Oil 15W/40 210L x 05. (Ausschreibung №84249814de)

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Land: South Africa
Sprache: EN
Nummer: 84249814
Veröffentlichungsdatum: 17-05-2023


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Mechanical Upgrade Works at Dominican College Sion Hill, Blackrock, Dublin Quelle: ETenders

Alexkor RMC JV is inviting the interested companies to submit their proposal to supply and install a 3.4km High Density Polyethylene (HDPE) Pipeline. Quelle: SA-Tenders

Re-advertisement: Bids are hereby invited for the following: Appointment of a service provider for the supply, delivery and maintenance/repair of staff APN, cell phones and bulk SMS services at CPUT for a period of 36 months. Please confirm the closing date as two closing dates were published. Quelle: ONLINE TENDERS

Quotations are hereby invited for the following: Supply and delivery of electrical working tools. Specifications: 1. Ratchet Lever Hoist ¾ Ton to 6 Ton, 8.40Kg, 3M Long Chain x 17; 2. Come along Clamp SWL, 4545, 1.5Kg 2 Ton x 34; 3. Bolt Cutter, 600mm Medium x 17; 4. Bandit Strapping, 30mm Rolls Strapping 1.50kg x 17. Quelle: ONLINE TENDERS

The ETDP SETA requires the services of a service provider/ consultant to analyse, evaluate and ensure organisational readiness for the annual B-BBEE verification. The services will take place as directed, guided, and requested by the Governance and Risk unit of the ETDP SETA, over three (3) months. The objective for bringing a service provider to analyse, evaluate and ensure organisational readiness for the annual B-BBEE verification is to ensure that all information that will be required during the BBBEE verification process is proactively all analysed, evaluated and aligned accordingly in preparation for the BBBEE verification process. This is to ensure ETDP SETA’s readiness for the verification and also that a specialised skill in the form of consultant is available during the preparation phases for the verification with the aim of improving organisational compliance. Quelle: ONLINE TENDERS

Re-advertisement of Contract Number: RFQ012-2023: Quotations are hereby invited for the following: Appointment of a service provider to conduct training on evidence evaluation and its importance within adjudication for CSOS adjudicators. Scope of work: The training will focus on the following aspects: - Poor or incorrect interpretation of evidence - successful review of adjudication orders; - Assessment and analysis of evidence - use of evidence to resolve disputes; - The onus and standard of proof; - Types of evidence and admissibility; and - Evaluation of evidence by an Adjudicator. Quelle: ONLINE TENDERS