Bids are hereby invited for the following: Mt Frere Prison: Service and repair of fire extinguishers. Specifications: 1. Handheld DCP units: • 4.5kg DCP unit; • 5kg DCP unit; • 9kg DCP unit x 6. 2. Hose reels: • 45m x 65mm, diameter fire hose. 3. Hose hydrant: • 63mm diameter hydrant connection. (Ausschreibung №85079432de)

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Land: South Africa
Sprache: EN
Nummer: 85079432
Veröffentlichungsdatum: 30-05-2023


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Voller Zugriff
Quotations are hereby invited for the following: Laundry uniform, Quantity: 77. Specifications: - Ladies black parabellum; - Mens black parabellum; - Navy skirts with box split at the back; - Female white shirts, 3/4 sleeve; - Male white long sleeve shirts; - Navy pants, chino, straight; - Navy V neck jersey; - Back socks, knee length. Required at: Appelsbosch Hospital. Province: KwaZulu-Natal. Department: Department of Health. Division or Section: Central Supply Chain Management. Quelle: ONLINE TENDERS

Bids are hereby invited for the following: Elliotdale SAPS: Service and repair of fire extinguishers. Specifications: 1. Handheld DCP units: • 4.5kg DCP unit x 4; • 5kg DCP unit; • 9kg DCP unit x 5. 2. Hose reels: • 45m x 65mm, diameter fire hose. 3. Hose hydrant: • 63mm diameter hydrant connection x 2. Quelle: ONLINE TENDERS

Maphumulo Local Municipality invites quotations from qualified and experienced service providers to supply and deliver poultry stock, medicines and equipment for LED department. Quelle: ONLINE TENDERS

Quotations are hereby invited for the following: Supply and deliver Wifi card adaptor and Wifi dongle, Quantity: 04. Specifications: - Wifi card adaptor: TP LinkWN881IND 300Mbps, wireless, N PCI express adaptor x 10 units; - Wifi dongle: BD fast long high coverage, 1200Mbps 2.4G/5G, wireless network adaptor x 10 units. Required at: Appelsbosch Hospital. Province: KwaZulu-Natal. Department: Department of Health. Division or Section: Central Supply Chain Management. Please confirm the quantities required. Quelle: ONLINE TENDERS

Quotations are hereby invited for the following: Determine the Levels of Airborne Contaminants at the Laboratories of Johannesburg Water. Scope: The purpose of this scope is to determine the levels of airborne contaminants at the laboratories of Johannesburg Water, situated in Houghton, Northern works and Goudkoppies works. The objectives of such a survey is to establish compliance with statutory or other relevant standards and to provide the basis for recommending appropriate control and/or mitigation measures, where necessary. The survey has to determine the levels of chemicals being used in the various laboratories. The final report must include compliance to both OEL and STEL limits where such limits are available. In addition the final report must clearly state the origin of such limits. The work must be performed by an Approved Inspection Authority (AIA) in terms of the health and safety act of 1993. Initiating department: Scientific Services. Quelle: ONLINE TENDERS

Quotations are hereby invited for the following: Appointment of a service provider to provide recording and transcription services for CEF SOC Ltd. The scope includes but not limited to: 1. Record disciplinary proceedings at CEF Offices located at 152 Ann Crescent, Upper Grayston Office Park, Sandton over a period of six (6) days; 2. Transcribe the recorded audio into formal minutes/report; 3. Ensure that a high standard transcription is documented as comprehensively as possible with no grammar and spelling errors; 4. Full verbatim; 5. Availability on expected services date; 6. Expected services date: June 2023; 7. Estimated recording hours per days = 8 hours. Quelle: ONLINE TENDERS